The Memories

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I am ready for this. At this point of my life, everything seems to be of secondary importance except for him. Even in my subconscious mind, I have started to crave for his identity.
I want to see him. I want to know him. I know nothing else about this obsession I am having about him. My life has always been guarded and protected under the hard outer shell of being strong,independent and confident.
But even the hardest seed coverings have a pore for dispersal right? So do I.
And ever since i moved out of California with dad leaving my one and only best friend behind, life has never been the same.
He was the only boy, I loved without knowing the definition of love. We were kids back then , how could we know about the depth of the terms?. 'Love' , 'best friend' , 'bonding' all of these were mere names to define the relation we had. And maybe it's because of this 'name' of the relation, we slowly developed expectations towards each other.
That's what happens with everyone. A bond without definition, a relation without a name is purest until you define it with a designated term. That is the harsh truth. The moment you define the relation with a particular name, the first thing you start having is expectations and then comes desire. And with expectations comes heartbreak, the feeling of being hurt when the person opposite to you doesn't fulfill your expectations. As adults, we often use the term 'requirements' instead of 'expectations' because one might not fulfill the expectations but will definitely try the best to meet the requirements. That is how the world works.
He knew about everything i kept as a secret from the world. Starting from the most dearest and the most delicate things which hold a value higher than my own life, to the worst secrets I have kept buried somewhere deep inside me. He knew about all the flickery feelings I used to have about each small or big thing, I came across. And then one day, I left him.
Things weren't in my control. And of course, no man will put their vast business empire at stake just because a 13 year old girl will have to leave her best friend behind ?
And ever since that day, I lost my ability to be soft and tender with my feelings. I have never been in contact with him. I know nothing about his whereabouts. How does he look like, what he does for his living, how has life been treating him. I know nothing about him.
And that note? That was the last and only thing I had and could show him from my journal before leaving the country.

I know this is the worst case , and there's no way that he can come back like this to me. He doesn't even know about my address or occupation. I know that the Earth is round and finding someone you are desperate about is not really a big matter. But in his case, that would be a probability of 0.0001 . I know i shouldn't be underestimating a person without knowing everything about him but I do know him. And that is the only thing I am counting on right now.

Dwelling into my overthinking section of my mind, the dots are connecting a lot hinting at something I am not expecting at all. And that's the reason, I am gonna let myself get played by this mysterious person who claims himself to be of no harm.

I smile at the reflection of myself in the mirror. I look pretty.....and of course seductive enough for any man to crumble down.

The queen red velvet bodycon dress with the high thigh slit is too perfect to put my creamy and shiny thighs on a perfect eye-catching display.
I have put on my favourite temptation, the dress has been a perfect combination with the molten silver coloured eardrop ring. I have intentionally put my hair up into a high bun with the curls being loose on the front.
The mascara has added an extra look to the long lashes and the sharp finish of the liquid eyeliner is just a perfect touch up to the smoky eyes. The blend of a tinge of pink powder with the nude shade for the lips is giving an indeed classy appearance.
I stare at my reflection in the mirror. Sassy.

Whatever I have dressed myself into, it is more than enough to push any man to the edge of loosing his self control. Afterall, 'men and dogs', a contrast couple with never ending comparison.

Now all I need to do is, wait for him to text me the time and place. Let's see. Who this person is.

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