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"I'm not starving myself. I just don't want your food. I can make my own."


"You never bothered to feed me before. Why would you bother to care now?" She folded her arms and stared him dead in the eyes.

He sighed, "Look, I know you may not believe me, but I do care about your well-being, and I hate seeing you starve yourself because of that."

"I'm. not. starving myself." She paused in-between words.

"Do you want Jace to feed you?"

"I don't need anyone to feed me. I'm not an idiot."

Was he trying to get her frustrated.

"I never said you were. I just want to ensure that you eat something that isn't junk food." He clarified.

"Look, I appreciate it, but I don't need it." She was trying not to get frustrated, but he wasn't making it easy.

"I can't let you go without ensuring you're okay."

" I am okay. You know what to hell with, ok? I'm perfect." She said, throwing a hand in the air.

He chuckled, shaking his head.


It was the night of the fashion show, and she'd finished getting her hair and make-up done, nothing too drastic, just eye makeup to make it look more dramatic.

There were important people in the audience. The most important one's in the front row and her relatives were some of them.

Her body shook at the thought of then finding out about her job. But they'd learn about it sooner or later. She just didn't want them to know now, but that plan was out the window.

Her first outfit was a simple green mid thigh green dress and matching jacket it was simple yet elegant.

It was her turn next she walked out confidently swaying her hips as she moved.

She had finally done it they'd seen her, and there was no going back.

The next was a silk black suit with a
cinched blazer. Her hair parted to the side hair clip, holding it in place.

It felt freeing when she was on the catwalk she forgot about all her problems, and nothing else mattered.

Before she knew it, she was changed into her last outfit of the night.

A beautiful silk red dress, the straps were fine they'd paired it with a see-through scarf that was wrapped around her shoulder.

Everything about the outfit screamed luxury.

They applied red lipstick to her lips to enhance the color of her outfit.

All the models walked out with the designer as the show came to an end. It was time for the after-party.

They'd been gathered around a table she was on one side of her family on the other, and thankfully, one of her coworkers, James, whom she was close with right next to her.

They'd begun serving appetizers, and she chose the Crab Fondue while James chose the French onion soup.

"This is amazing. Mika, do you wanna try some?" James asked her.

"Sure." She shrugged.

He picked up a spoonful and fed it to her. The whole time, she could sense eyes burning a hole into her head. But she didn't acknowledge it.

After the appetizers were over, they served the main course with different choices of either champagne or bourbon, etc. Along with a few nonalcoholic choices.

The Blood Of A ......   (Bloodlines Begin #2)Where stories live. Discover now