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Wang's grandmother asked, disappointed, "Wang, why didn't you tell me?" Wang had never lied to her or hidden anything from her.

I'm sorry Grandma, I was scared and in shock. I was trying to process the whole thing." He replied.

She continued, her voice filled with emotion. "Why were you scared?"

Wang sniffed and replied, "He told me he was a hybrid."

A hybrid? Are you sure?" his grandma asked, shocked. Hybrids are abominations, and who knew the palace harbored such creatures.

The loon told you he was a hybrid? Meng asked shocked. "It took his brother ten years to reveal his true nature to me. It was a secret he guarded fiercely, and I never suspected a thing." Meng laughed mockingly.

"Yes," Wang confirmed with a heavy heart. "He confessed to being a hybrid, a forbidden combination of two different species. And it turns out, he was my mate, which is why I was scared."

He loved you enough to trust you with their family secrets. Meng smiled.

"I understand, but next time please don't keep anything away from me," Wang's grandmother said in a gentle tone, her eyes filled with sadness. She wanted to be there for Wang, to support and help him, but this was too much for him.

"You married his brother?" Wang asked with a look of confusion on his face.

"Yes, for 48 years now," Meng smiled, her eyes filled with fond memories of a lifetime spent with her husband.

"And you call me mother," Wang's grandmother said, her voice icy. "Call me Chang. And what's the thing you want to tell my grandson?" she asked, her stern gaze fixed on Meng.

"I didn't want to disrespect you," Meng replied with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

Witches and spells. Chang hissed.

"What were you doing in the dungeon?" Ming Jue asked, puzzled.

Long story short, we owe rent and didn't meet the deadline. Our caretaker took my cow, but when we went to pay the next day, the cow had already been killed. I got angry and beat him up. Wang said, licking his mouth roof.

"Fate can be a cruel mistress," Meng whispered, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Wang, I want you to listen carefully and understand what I'm saying. Meng said. When we went looking for Zhan, I tried everything a witch would do, but nothing worked. One day, a witch came to us and led us to him. After she explained what happened, she started speaking in riddles, even a witch like me didn't understand her. So, I begged her to tell me, but she refused to talk in front of my husband. She told me that she would look for me again, and she did six months later, which was ten years ago.

Whoever Zhan falls in love with won't love him till thy kingdom come.Even if it's his mate. It's the test of "fate" that you and Zhan end up on the wrong side of life. Either you love him, and he doesn't love you, or he loves you and you don't love him.

Unrequited love has been a consistent pattern throughout both of your lives, in the past, present and in the future. It appears that no matter the circumstances, the two of you are destined to be on opposite sides of love. You are forever longing for each other but never finding reciprocation.

The sad part of it all is that one of you always dies to stay away from the other, perpetuating the cycle of unrequited love and eternal longing. It seems that even in death, the fates conspire to keep you apart, denying both of you the chance to find solace in each other's arms.

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