-Chapter Ten- Promiseland

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/i kept my promise, man/ show me the promiseland/ don't occupy my throne/ give me the crown i own/ lived like you told me how/ look at me now!/

- promiseland, mika

Y/n was walking the halls of the palace, her boots clicking with every step. Today, the palace was open for citizens to see the king, so the lower floor was flooded with lines of people.

The upper floors, however, were completely silent as Y/n made her way down to the throne room. Rapunzel had been shadowing their father for a few days, preparing to manage the kingdom while their parents took leave.

That should be you. Y/n stewed furiously as she walked the halls, passing each set of closed doors in turn. She doesn't deserve it. You've been training for this for far too long- she hasn't worked at all!

She ought to step down and stop occupying your throne.

The anger was worse today. Typically, Y/n's hatred was a furious beast- but one easily contained beneath a mask of smiles and lies. Today, however, having learned that Rapunzel would be in charge while their parents were absent? It was essentially rubbing salt in the wound Rapunzel's return had torn.

Y/n took a side passageway to the throne room, purposefully avoiding entering the chamber. Her throne, once a beautiful thing, had been refurbished and given to Rapunzel- a random chair from the vaults had been given to Y/n and shoved haphazardly in a corner. Y/n had no desire to sit up on the dais with her family- where she had once planned to rule a kingdom, and now faded into the background as her sister shone. You lived just the way they told you to, and look where that got you.

Leaning on the door, Y/n glanced down at herself before the next person came in. If anyone did notice her standing there, she might as well make the effort to look better than her sister. She was wearing a short-sleeved (f/c) blouse with long, fingerless black gloves, along with black shorts, her (Y/n)rium necklace and her usual tall (f/c) boots. She didn't look like a princess- but no one seemed to remember that she was one anyway, so what was the point?

Y/n looked back up at the throne room from her vantage off to the side. To her surprise, the next person to enter the chamber was... Quirin? Why was he here? And is Varian with him?

"Quirin, my old friend!" exclaimed Y/n's father as the man in question walked towards the throne. "What brings you from Old Corona Village?"

"Your Majesty," Quirin began, "Old Corona is facing quite the dilemma." Y/n raised her eyebrows. Was he here about the rocks? Obviously they needed to be dealt with, but Quirin hadn't seemed like he even wanted to acknowledge their presence- much less accept help with removing them.

"Oh?" the king asked curiously. It seemed like Quirin was about to say something, but changed his mind. "Uh, yes."

Y/n looked across the hall, and her face lit up when she saw Varian peeking through the opposite set of doors. However, Y/n's smile faded when she saw the worry on his face.

"It would appear that this year's harvest has proven quite bountiful!" Quirin was saying. "So much so, that I humbly request more land to accommodate such bounty!"

Across the hall, Y/n could see Varian mutter a confused "what?" Quirin bowed to the king, and Y/n furrowed her brow. She had always been quite talented at spotting lies- with the parents she had, that was usually a must- and something seemed off about Quirin's request. The king's assistant, Nigel, must have felt the same, as he leaned in to whisper something to Y/n's father.

The king paused briefly, considering, before looking back to his friend. "Quirin, I am pleased to hear how well Old Corona is faring, and even more pleased to grant your request."

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