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She walked back upstairs to her room.
Turning down the hallway to find Jace standing their with breakfast for the both of them. He hadn't seen her he was standing in front of the door waiting for it to be opened.

She turned back around, about to walk away.

"You can walk away from me if you don't want to talk. But you could at least let me know you're alright." He looked at her as he braced against the door.

"I'm alright."

"You're lying. You're still angry about what happened last night with the pictures."

"I'm not angry. I'm just upset."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't think so." She was unsure of how to proceed.

"I don't know what you want me to do. Are you upset with me?" He looked anxious as he waited for her to respond.

"I don't know how I feel." She answered honestly.

"Look, I swear to if to God if I knew that this was gonna happen, I wouldn't have approached you. But I just wanted to tell you how amazing you were doing. "

"I told you something like this was gonna happen because it's happened before. I just wish you'd just listen."

"I know I should have, and I'm sorry for  the outcome, but I'm not sorry they saw us together. You may not believe it, but I am really proud of you. "

"Thanks." She looked down, shaking her head.

"I said that wrong. I should go. I come back when you want me too. Here, you can have this." He tried handing her the tray.

"No thanks, I don't feel like eating right now. Please just go." She stepped aside for him to pass beside her.

"I'll leave it here. " She wanted to decline, but a call from Miranda stopped her.

"What the hell, Mika? Kissing them? It's all over the internet. Starting a relationship with them? What in God's name happened?" She practically yelled loud enough that Jace heard.

"I didn't even know they were gonna be there, and they approached me." She tried to defuse the situation.

"Mika stuff like this can bring negative attention towards you and damage your career. Permanently." She scolded.

"I'm sorry." She said, her voice nearly cracked.

"Miranda, stop you're blaming her for something that isn't her fault." Kevin's voice was heard from the other end of the phone.

"It wasn't faul. It was mine. I approached her and kissed her (under the eye). I should have listened when she said there was paparazzi at the event." Jace clarified, taking the phone from her hands.

"We know it's not her fault. Mika, well, sort this whole thing out. Don't worry about it, you know how you let little things stress you out." Kevin expressed worriedly he clearly concerned about her.

"We'll stop by to make sure you're okay afterward, ok?" Miranda said lovingly.

"Ok." She managed to reply barely above a whisper her hand over her mouth.

She opened the door and headed towards her bathroom, Jace, following behind her as she slammed the door before he could get to her.

"Mika, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would affect you this much. I wish I could take it all back. Please open the door." He leaned against the door.

"Please don't do anything irrational to yourself just cause I fucked up."

"Do you want me to leave you alone will that make you feel better?" He questioned desperately.

"If you want me to leave, I'll do it, but I won't do it until I know you're ok."

He heard the sound of glass breaking and something repeatedly slamming against the wall.

"Miki?" He called out as he slammed his shoulder into the bathroom door he heard her breathy voice.

"Jace, please don't open the door."

"Just let me know you're alright, and I'll stop." She knew he could break the door down if he wanted to he could do worse if he wanted to yet she didn't reply.

She held her chest with her hand and slumped down to the floor. When she heard Nathan and Anders voice.

"Jace leave her alone she needs time to herself." Ander placed a hand on Jace's shoulder in an effort to comfort him.

"No I'm not leaving until I know she's ok."

Nathan approached the door and knocked "Nella- "

"Mika she doesn't like it when you call her that call her Donny or Mika." Jace cut him off.

"Mika are you ok in there?" He asked to which he received no response.

He began to move the handle rapidly before when that didn't work he too slammed his shoulder into the door.

"Move. Move." Ander pushed Nathan aside ready to break down the door before she called out.

"Please stop you're going to rip it off its hinges. I'm fine you can go now." Her voice shook.

"Ok." Ander replied calmly before everything went quiet.

Sensing she was ready to come out she opened the door. Only to be met with all three of them waiting there patiently for her.

Before she could shut the door Nathan put out his foot stopping it.

They all took in the scene infront of them her bathroom was a complete wreck glass shards everywhere she'd broken the mirror ripped the cabinets of the wall cracked several glass tiles and dented a few wholes into the door.

"What the hell did you do?" Ander asked  his eyes scanning the room.

"Mika I'm sorry I-I know you wanted me t-to leave you but I couldn't." Jace apologized but they could tell he was struggling to breathe.

He was having an asthma attack.

He slouched down to the floor breathing heavily.

"Jace hang on just breathe." Ander rushed to his side.

"Tell me where your inhaler is and I'll go get it for you." Nathan asked him.

"It's uh it's on the. I don't." He couldn't form coherent sentences.

"Check his room. NOW" Ander practically growled at the maid just watching from the doorway.

"Hang on I'll be back." Mika got up when Jace grabbed her hand.

"Don't please. Sorry." He barely managed to reply.

"It's alright. I'll be back." She assured him.

She went to the bathroom to get her emergency inhaler.

She rejoiced once she found it.

"Here take this." She said as she took off the cover putting it in his mouth.

He took two puffs of salbutamol and slowly his breathing started to steady.

"You ok." Nathan asked at which he nodded.

"Don't ever do that again." Ander pulled them all into a hug "neither of you." He said pulling Mika in too.

As they pulled away Jace looked at Mika.

"Can I hold you? Please?" Jace asked her he hated seeing her like this. She looked worried he didn't need her worrying about him.

She didn't answer she just opened her arms. To which he happily pulled her in.

"Mika, have you seen your brothers?" Randy asked, coming into her room only to stop seeing what was going on.

All of them on the floor, Jace, holding her tightly, her bathroom door opened, and the bathroom destroyed the door nearly ripped off its hinges and Mika shaking violently.

He sighed bowing his head.

"Care to explain?" He folded his arms.

The Blood Of A ......   (Bloodlines Begin #2)Where stories live. Discover now