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It was like I could finally breathe. I was back home where I was comfortable in my own skin. My only complaint is that the beautiful blonde girl that's under my arm nearly everyday isn't with me and won't be for another week.

I'm sat in my uncles pub watching the football a joint in one hand and a freshly poured beer in the other. There was hardly anyone here no more then ten loyal customers. Mainly cause my uncles a rude stubborn brute so they much rather walking a couple more minutes to the King and Queens where they get a free pint for each goal the team they want to win the match score.

I was in grey joggers my black yeezy slides and a black compression shirt with the chains and rings my girlfriend brought me as accessories my brother laikon sat next to me nearly in the same outfit his shoes being the yeezy foamers and his shirt being a bit baggier and a pretty girl in a tight black dress and Jordan 1's as an accessory instead.

My dad sat next to me on the other side his arms rested on his knees with a pint in hand with his usual wife beater and black trousers as he focussed on the match. All he needed was for Haaland to get a yellow card and he's won 50 quid.

"how my girl." jayla asks me squeezing my arm to get my attention. I nod blowing out weed from both my nose and mouth before sitting back on the chair. "she's good." i tap my blunt letting the ash fall.

"we've been texting nearly everyday since we've met she's really sweet and she cares about you alot." i nod. "I know you guys have been texting she told me and I know she cares about me just as much as I care about her."

I take a swig of beer. "does she know what happened to you." i look at my dad my eyes wide at the mention of me telling anyone.

"absolutely not." jayla tuts. "has she opened up to you about anything." i look down. She has.  About everything and I have contemplated on telling her what happened. I know she knows something happened to me because it was mentioned during the argument at my party and shes obviously seen the scars on my back.

"I don't want to talk about my fucking relationship right now thanks." I snap I'm not angry I just don't want to have the conversation and I don't need them telling me I'm doing everything wrong in my relationship.

"how's your mum" my dad asks. "i don't know it's awkward at home. I here them laugh and giggle and talking all the time when I'm not there but as soon as I am there this awkward tension and all honesty I dont want to fucking live there anymore."

"you are a whole ass adult your 21 you can do what you want." i laugh. "don't you think I've tried she says I still have to live with her since I'm still in education and it's not easy since her and my step dad paid of all my student debt without me even knowing "

"the only plus of America is Brooklyn."

"do you love her." my dad asks.
"I think so. I'm not sure on how being in love is meant to feel but I feel something new when I'm around her almost like a good heart ache but I don't want to tell her that I love her until I'm completely sure you know. But god when she told me that her mum paid for me and her friends to go miami and to the theme park I've always dreamt of going to for her birthday because she asked for it for me even though she can't ride roller coaster I wanted to scream that I loved her in her face."

"yeah I think your in love with her son but don't take my word for it because I'm not you it feels different for different people."

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