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The news of the crown prince's generosity has spread far and wide, touching the people's hearts. His acts of kindness and compassion have left an indelible mark, and it is evident that the people yearn for him to be king. They believe he is the rightful heir to the throne. The time has come for him to ascend to the throne and lead the nation.

The events that took place during the king's birthday celebration further fueled people's desire to support the crown prince. The lavish celebration brought to light the stark contrast between the crown prince's compassionate nature and the greed and corruption rampant within the royal family. The crown prince has returned the lands and houses seized unjustly to their owners. This realization only strengthened the people's resolve to see a change in leadership.

"They rally behind you, believing that it is indeed time for you to assume the role of king," Cheng said, his voice filled with conviction. "Your acts of kindness and the contrast you have shown against the corruption within the royal family have ignited a spark of hope in the hearts of the people. They yearn for a leader who will prioritize the well-being of the nation and its citizens."

Within days, they crowned Zhan as king. Wang, on the other hand, gave all the excuses in the world not to come, he went as far as drinking wolf's bane to make himself sick.

As the days passed without any word from Xie, Wang grew increasingly worried. He tried calling her multiple times, but her phone remained switched off. Even her office line was unavailable.

Grandma, what do we do? Wang asked.

Xie will contact you. Maybe something happened to her, or she lost her phone. His grandma replied.

Let's just run away. Wang said sitting up.

"Without Xie?" his grandma asked, concerned.

"I'll find her," Wang hissed frustrated. "I won't leave Xie behind. We'll search every inch until we bring her back safely."

I can't sleep, Zhan keeps texting me like a computer, asking if I have told Xie. He also wants me to move in with him and do the mating ceremony. Wang hissed, I don't feel anything for him.

I think that at this point, you should reconsider your mate and tell Xie whenever she comes over. I'm sure she will understand. His grandma replied.

"But Grandma," Wang cried, "I don't want to hurt Zhan's feelings, and I don't want to rush into a mating ceremony with him. I need more time to figure out my feelings."

"Give him a chance, Wang," his grandma replied gently. "Sometimes feelings can develop over time, and it's important to be open-minded. Just communicate your concerns with Zhan and take it slow. It's okay to take your time to figure out your feelings."

"It's easier said than done, Grandma," Wang frowned. "I understand what you're saying, but it's hard for me to imagine developing feelings for someone I don't feel a connection with. I'll try to communicate with Zhan, but I can't promise anything."

"Trying is the first step, my dear," she smiled. "By communicating your concerns and being open-minded, you'll give yourself the opportunity to explore your feelings and see if a connection can develop. Remember, it's important to prioritize your own happiness and emotional well-being in this process."

"Okay," Wang huffed, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Let's meet for lunch," Wang replied to Zhan's message. "But I want to be clear that this doesn't mean I'm ready for a mating ceremony or that my feelings have changed. I just want to have an open conversation and see where things turn out."

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