32. Ignoring

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Three days passed by and after that day, he started ignoring me.

When we reached the house, it was past eight in the morning. Nicolas directly went to the bathroom for a shower. After the shower, he left the room with a few of his utensils and settled down in one of the guest rooms on the first floor.

In these three days, I hadn't seen a glimpse of Nicolas not even Stephen, Mariano, Alexander or Victor. So I decided to lock myself up and cry until my eyes pooped out of their socket. I barely eaten in these three days. One of Nicolas' men used to leave my meals outside of the room but I barely touched that.

But today I decided to get out of this shitty room. I woke up a bit early today and decided to take a hot shower.

I undressed and looked at the bathroom mirror but I gasped when I looked at myself in the mirror.

No this was not me.

Where was my beauty? Red deep bruises and cuts on my cheeks, arms and my eyes were red, dark circles under them, dry lips. I looked more thin than before.

It couldn't be me. It might be some broken girl. Wasn't I broken?

Taking a deep painful breath, I pulled out some antibacterial alcohol, ointment, some cotton and straps from the bathroom cabinet to take care of the bruises and cuts.

After taking a warm shower, I threw myself in a comfy sweater and black jeans. I felt so weak due to the lack of a proper meal for three days.

After crying for three days, I was feeling nothing but numbness. I slowly made my way downstairs and saw two maids from the previous house of Nicolas, Diana and Scarlett.

"Hey, where's Rosetta?" I asked Scarlett.

"Her daughter is sick so she's with her. And I don't think she'll be able to come here because Mr. Ricci needs her in the other house which is under construction after that attack." Scarlett replied with a small smile.

"Oh." I nodded and sat on the dining table.

"Come on. You have barely eaten in these days. I've made pancakes and sandwiches." Diana called out from the kitchen.

"Where's Nicolas?" I couldn't help but ask.

"We've barely seen him." Scarlett shrugged and served me breakfast.

I just nodded and concentrated on my food.

After breakfast, I decided to have a tour around the house.

This house was as big as the previous one. But it didn't have a pond in the front with many flowers or a lake behind like the previous one. But it was surrounded by woods and bulky guards like the previous one. Everything in the house was screaming luxury and wealth.

"Talia!" I heard two female voices and turned to the main gate and spotted Bella and Eva running toward me.

My smile widened and they hugged me with full force, breaking all my bones and suffocating me.

"We missed you." Bella pouted but as soon as they looked at my bruised face they became pale.

"What the hell is this? Nick did this, didn't he? I'll kill that bastard with my bare hands." Eva growled like a lioness.

"Trust me, Talia. If it's Nick then I'll tear him apart!" Bella hissed and looked very pissed off.

I nearly laughed at their reaction. They're such good friends.

"Come down, you two. It's not him. A lot of things happened when you were gone. Where were you anyways?" I chuckled.

"We're in Morocco. We had a mission there. And we had no time to say goodbye to you." Bella replied.

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