
921 23 6


June 18, 2024

Ionk how long I've been in here. By here I mean my head.

A nigga been in his head for ionk how long. I feel like I'm going crazy.

Hearing things and feeling things, but can't react to it mainly on the outside of what's going on with my body.

"Baby boy please wake up." I heard my mom Kaori say while sniffling a bit.

"Cmon big bro, pull through" I heard LonLon say while holding my hand.

I just wish I could verbally say sum to them cs God knows how much I miss them.

"You got dis bro, me n the gang got yo fam n' my sis forever. Now all they need is you, just pull through twin." I heard boogie say as all my homeboys follow suit.

I miss them aggravating trolling ah of homeboys.

Being in this predicament really taught me who really is there for me n who is not. All I gotta is I got real ones on my side.

Then ofc I hear her voice.

"b–baby p–please pull t–through I don't think I could do this without you. I'm so sorry you have to go through dis bc of me." She says in hoarse voice meaning she's been crying for hours.

To hear her say she blames herself for what happen hit a core cs I really don't blame her for any of dis.

I really put my life on the line if that meant she or any of my love ones got to live.

I pray everyone could push through this whole situation n' become like we used to be or atleast better for one another.


I just really do miss my peanut headass boyfriend, but I atleast I have a part of him now.

Today is the day I'm going to tell everyone we'll except LonLon that I'm pregnant.

LonLon is really the only person that knows I'm pregnant. I haven't really been out the house that much if it isn't to visit ducey.

I took a break from doing youtube n hair. I still make money so don't worry, I told one of my hairstyles to keep in charge well I'm on break from the shop.

Although taking breaks from my job has taken sum of the stress away, it hasn't taken away the stress I have of fear of what if Remy doesn't wake up.

I'll wait to announce my pregnancy on social media when Remy n' I have a talk or just not do it at all.

Cs I really just want to hide my lil family until he becomes one or sum months old.

I can really pull a Halle Bailey out dis bit.

First I'm going to tell my mom n then the group all together, I already called before hand to ask LonLon where dey at n' they all at Talani n' Boogie crib.

Time skip

Right now I'm outside of my parents crib n' I feel like I'm bout to shit myself.

𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐍' 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  ☆Where stories live. Discover now