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"Mika Amelia Davidson why do you keep poking? Stop it and State what you want or we'll have a problem." Miranda snapped swatting away Mika's finger she'd  been using to poke her.

"Can I go to my special place?" She asked Miranda, swaying her body from side to side, playing with her cardigan sleeve.

"No." She said, not looking up at her.

"Why not?" Mika stomped her foot like a child afterall that's what she was.

"What's wrong with our house?" Miranda looked at her questioningly.

"It's not the woods." She responded in a duh tone.

"Answer my question with a different answer. One more meaningful." Miranda said, folding her arms.

"It's not the woods. The woods are where I want to be at the moment, and it's not that." She shrugged eyes wide.

"Why do you want to go to the woods at 6p.m. at night, it's already getting dark." Kayden, whom she was on the phone with, wondered aloud.

"She takes walks to destress herself after a hard day." Miranda answered for her.

"Ask your father." Miranda exclaimed, sending her to Kevin.

She walked upstairs to Kevin's office, where a surprise awaited her.

Mika stood outside Kevin's office, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension swirling within her. She took a deep breath to steady herself before finally mustering the courage to knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Kevin's deep voice resonated from within the room, sending a shiver down Mika's spine.

Despite her nerves, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker within her chest.

She did her signature knock again instead of replying.

"Mika?" He asked.

"It's me, pookie," she called out, attempting to inject a hint of levity into her voice to mask her unease.

A soft chuckle emanated from behind the door, followed by Kevin's invitation to enter.

"Come in."

With a sense of trepidation, Mika pushed open the door and stepped into the room, unsure of what awaited her on the other side.

To her suprise, a few of the men from her biological family were there from the looks of it. It appeared that they were discussing something work related.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asked quietly.

"Of course not. What is it?" Kevin took her hand, bringing her closer to him, in an effort to sooth her uneasiness around her biological family.

"You know I love you, right?" Mika's words, spoken with genuine affection, momentarily shifted the focus away from the business at hand, drawing surprised glances from her biological family members.

Kevin's chuckle resonated softly in the room, his arm wrapping protectively around Mika as she nestled against him.

"You're not going anywhere it's too late. Especially not in those woods." he laid her head on his shoulder, patting it chuckling quietly at her failed attempt to butter him up.

He had gently dismissed her attempt to sway him with a mixture of amusement and affection, his paternal instincts keenly aware of her underlying desire to venture into the woods.

The Blood Of A ......   (Bloodlines Begin #2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum