Accepting disappointment - The Fourth and Last Part [Ft. MahiRoRat]

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Accepting disappointment - The Fourth and Last Part (A slightly different take) [Ft. MahiRoRat]

A/N - Do not take it too seriously, because I have twirled the characterisations a tad bit. I respect MS Dhoni so much but I wanted to explore his 'human' side a little bit. If it hurts sentiments, then I am truly sorry. It is in the format of the "One Sacked captain format but with some difference.)

This was supposed to an OS and yet it kept growing. Four parts long. Ah well, thank you all for tolerating my weirdness.

Will look forward to hearing from all of you. Dedicated to all of you who take such pains to comment and to keep me going. Thank you. 

@AadeezTrashLuv-  You last chapter somehow inspired this. Do Not ask me how. 

@DilSeRe_Because I will always love your MS. 

And to every one of you who keep commenting generally as well as taking pains to give inline comments. Thank you.

Sorry for such a huge update.

"Hey. Are we still meeting up today?"


The noise around the stadium was too loud and Virat could barely hear, even with the AirPods jammed in his ears.

"What?" He yelled and rushed around trying to find a quieter corner, though finding it in Chepauk was nearly impossible.

"Are. We. Still. Up. For. Meeting. Today?"

And finally Virat got the approximate gist of the message.

"Of course we are! Where are you?"

"In Chennai."

Virat flicked a gaze towards the open heavens, praying hard for patience. "Then why would we not meet? Why else did you travel from Mumbai to Chennai?"

"Just confirming, you moron! There is no telling with your disposition after losing the first match."

Virat looked over at the CSK camp, where the younger kids were still celebrating. The senior members of the team, including Stephen, Jinks, Mitch, Jaddu and Mahi Bhai were meeting up with people and even though he tried, Virat could not quite catch Jaddu's eyes.


"Just trying to get to Mahi Bhai. I have already spoken to Jaddu; he will make sure that MS does not get busy with stuff and remains free."

"What?" The panicked voice caught up with Virat and he trudged down underneath the bleachers, hurling a particular Glen Maxwell out of the only chair placed there; the sounds were much lower here.

"Why are you sounding like someone stole your candy?" Virat barely got out of the gamut of the hit Maxi directed at his head and made sure to stick his leg out and trip up the man.

"You utter idiot! You mean to say that you have not yet spoken to Bhaiya? That he does not know that he is, apparently, spending the rest of the day with us?"

"Day?" Virat looked at his watch. "Don't you mean night?Even that would be stretching it."

Maxi was still hovering around and Virat could never let down his guard with that menace around. He kept one eye on the overgrown child and off the corner of his other eye he tracked Mahi Bhai's movements whenever he could.

"It doesn't matter, Virat. Aren't you there since yesterday? Why didn't you meet up with Bhaiya and tell him?

Irritation rose in Virat with all the intensity of a surging steam engine and he almost growled in anger. "Leave that question for your Bhaiya, Rohit! He has been ignoring me since yesterday. Even today he did not even greet me till I went up to him; that man can hold a grudge like none other."

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