Entry #1

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Hello, little curious nosy brats, Scandalous WAG here. The only source you should trust when it comes to the notorious, scandalous, and sometimes disgraceful lives, secrets, and lies of the motorsport elite.

Alright, enough of that Gossip Girl bs. That is so 2007. Iconic, yes, but a bit too millennial for my taste.

Ah, Formula One, the pinnacle of motorsport. There are more than seven billion people in the world and, as of right now, only twenty of them can call themselves F1 drivers. The millionaire boys club, they call it. Why, any amateur may ask. Well, they're filthy rich, spoiled boys that never grew up. They travel worldwide, waking up in a different time zone almost every week, making five figures per lap (that equals six figures per race) —Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Brazil, and the iconic Monaco. You name it, they've been there.

They play chess on their private jets, attend the most exclusive parties, spend their free time ice climbing in the Dolomites or surfing in Australia, and have PR teams capable of hiding even the messiest of scandals and love affairs... or so they thought (;

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