Matt Rempe (Rangers)

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Warning: a little strong Language


I wouldn't say my boyfriend is that much of a jealous person but when he does get jealous he ends up getting in fights on and off the ice. My Boyfriend is Matt Rempe on NY Rangers. Even games he's played in his been penalized for fighting but fighting off the ice is more rarer than on the ice. He is also very tall, Matt is 6'7. Tonight we invited to a party, Matt wanted to go, and I thought it would be nice for him.

" Babe, are you sure you're okay with going to this party," Matt said.

" Yes, Matty I'm fine with this," I said.

" Alright, Love if you say so," Matt said.

" Besides I'll be by your side the whole time, Matty it's ok," I said.

" Okay, I'm just checking," Matt said as he kissed the top of my head.

Time Skip

We were getting ready for the party, We weren't dressing up too much, Matt is just wearing a black dress shirt and dark grey dress pants. I was wearing a black dress that wasn't too long or short.

" Need help zipping up, love," Matt said sitting on our shared bed.

" Yes please thank you Matty," I said with a smile.

Matt zipped up my dress, and kissed my shoulders before we headed to the party. We got to the party of course some of his teammates were here but not a lot of them.
Matt had his arms around my waist the whole time. Making sure I was comfortable and safe. We were having a good time all night, Matt's teammates who came brought their girlfriends or wives. There was one point where Matt had to go to the restroom, so I stayed with Matt's teammates. Not long after he went to the bathroom I went to get a drink, then I was approached by random some guy who was mostly drunk.

" Hey Sweet thang, what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone, did you come by yourself," The guy said getting a little more close.

" Um no I'm here with someone," I said awkwardly hoping he would go away.

" Well I don't see anyone I think you're lying, Sweetheart," he said as he got closer basically trying to touch me

" I really am with someone, so can you please go away," I said.

" Ahh, the pretty girl is feisty I like that," He said smirking while probably thinking of some dirty things

" You disgusting pig," I said in disgust

Matt's POV

After returning from the bathroom I asked my teammates where Y/N was and they said she went to get a drink, and as soon they said that I heard hear yell something, I turned to see she was being bother by this guy. I stormed over there without hesitation.

" Hey man, get the fuck away from my girlfriend," I snapped

" Oh well lookie who it is, Matt Rempe the one who can't stay in or being a game without fighting someone," The guy said

" Just get the hell away from my girlfriend or you're next," I said.

" Please you lost all those fights anyways, you may be 6'7, but you cant fight," the guy said.

this guy is really pissing me off, when it comes to my girlfriend i don't tolerate this kind of stuff.

then I swung a punch right as his face, which I totally nailed his face, and for the next couple of minutes it went back and forth but me having the edge over him. finally after a while my teammates and other people at the party had to pulled us apart. He was definitely more busted up then me.

" Thats what happens to assholes who mess with my girl," I said

I turned to Y/N and gave her a weak smile, i felt my lip bleeding.

Y/n's Pov

I just stared and my boyfriend chuckling and shaking my head. He had a few cuts and his lip was bleeding, but he definitely show that guy who's boss.

" Lets get you home and tend to the cuts, Rocky," I said with a laugh.

he let out a laugh, as we said goodbye to his teammates, and headed home, we reached home and I got the first aid kit, then tended to the cuts on his face and lip.

" Thank you for protecting me, Honey," I said.

" Of course, baby, im never gonna let any man make you feel uncomfortable," Matt said.

" and I love you for that, Matty," I said as i kissed his nose.

After cleaning the wound we changed out of the party clothes into comfy clothes, Me in sweats and one of Matt's hoodies and same with Matt, and we cuddled the rest of the night.

Requested and For HockeyBabe98 I hope you like this, girly, I picture Matt Rempe to be a very protective boyfriend so this was so cute to write.

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