Air hostess

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I went to the airport around 5 am for my 7 am flight. After checking-in, I went to a coffee shop in the terminal. I ordered a hot cappuccino drink for the day.

I sat in a table for two and faced the exit. I opened my book to read it while occasionally taking sips from my drink.

I took a break from my reading and I checked the time, it ticked 6:08 am. I told myself that I would leave the café at 6:10.

I looked at the walk way in front of me and I saw a pack of people wearing uniforms, probably the cabin crew, I thought to myself.

I decided to pack my things and before I looked down to keep my book, a girl walked with the crew, talking with her crew mates and laughing with them. Instead of keeping my book, I had my eyes stuck on her until her eyes was also looking into mine, she smiled at me and continued talking with her friends. I felt heat creep up on my cheeks.

I snapped out of it and checked the time, crap, it's already 6:15. I hurriedly kept my book and left the café.


I placed my shoulder bag on the storage bins and sat on my seat, which was the aisle seat. I wore my earphones and listened to the music while other passengers were fixing and seating themselves.

After a few good minutes of listening to a few songs, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and what I saw startled me, it was the girl that I saw earlier who gave me that radiant smile.

"Excuse me, it's advised to turn off your phone for the time being." She smiled at me. I nodded and took off my earphones. I felt stupid in front of her. She thanked me and left.

She was walking through the aisle advising people that the plane will take off in a few minutes. I look at her back and wow, her uniform fits her well. I blushed at my own thoughts and closed my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep for a short time. I heard an excuse me and I looked up to the source of the voice. It was another stewardess not the girl from before. Somehow, I felt disappointed that it wasn't her but I gave the other girl a smile.

"Would you like a drink?"

"I'll have tea, please." The girl gave me a cup of tea and left with her push cart in tow. I didn't notice that at the end of the cart there was another girl. When she was about to pass by me I looked up and instantly the disappointment I felt earlier vanished. She also looked down at me and our eyes met, she smiled again and I returned the gesture before she walked to another row of seats.

She smelled really nice.

I look at her back and the uniform that she's wearing, she was still in the aisle of row of seats in front of me and she smiled to other passengers too. I felt a pang of jealousy and reality just slapped me in the face. The smile is not for me, it's for everyone here.

The crew was staying at the galley and I saw some crew members chatting and laughing discreetly. I sipped my tea and continued to glance at the galley upfront to catch a glimpse at the girl. A few glances and the girl opened the curtain and she caught me looking at them. I panicked and spat out a few of the tea that I just drank. I quickly covered and wiped the stuff that came out in front of me.

"Here, let me help." A pair of hands helped me and I looked up at the owner and I had a hard time speaking. "T-T-Thank you." The girl handed me a few sheets of tissue paper and I take it, our fingertips touched and I was disappointed that it only lasted for a few millisecond. "There. Do you want another cup of tea?" The girl finished wiping and stood straight. She smiled at me. I just nodded my head and she left. She came back with another cup of tea and gave it to me.

"Make sure you don't spit it out again." She gave me a teasing smile and left.

I followed her with my eyes until she was at the galley, she faced the passengers and she looked at me. She smiled and closed the curtain.

The pilot gave an announcement through the PA system that the plane will be landing soon and the cabin crew started walking out of the galley to check on the passengers.

I started closing the stow and straightened my seat. I looked for the girl to see where she was. I slumped back to my chair when I saw that the girl wasn't going towards my seat.

"Excuse me, kindly please straighten your chair." I heard the voice and I thought that she was referring to me so I pressed on the button to straighten the chair. Only to realize that she wasn't referring to me but to the one sitting next to me.

I looked up at her and she also looked at me, she smiled and gave me a thank you. I smiled back. She always gives me that 'fluttery feeling everytime she smiles.


I took my stuff from the overhead bin and walked along the aisle to exit the plane. I looked upfront and saw the girl saying goodbye to the passengers walk by her. She smiled at me, that radiant smile and I gave her a thank you before I deplaned. Walking, I sighed in frustration, I didn't even get her name.


I was sitting in front of a table with my coffee and my book. I sighed when I remembered the girl, the air hostess. I wondered when I might be able to see her again.

I started reading my book again and getting too engrossed at it because it was the climax of the story.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" I heard a girl's voice but still didn't look up from my book. I just hummed and nodded for her. I sensed her sitting down.

"Fuwaahh." I sighed and then I remembered that someone was sitting in front of me. I look up and was about to greet her.

"Oh! I'm sor--ry." I was dumbfounded at what I saw.

"Hi." The girl greeted me.

"Aren't you?" The girl nodded at me, perceiving my thought.

"Oh." It was all that I could say.

The girl smiled at me and the waiter gave her the drink that she ordered. She gave him thanks. I just looked at her and I just couldn't say a thing.

"So" she stirred her coffee and looked up to me. Looking at me with those two beautiful brown orbs. Captivating everything about me.

"I'm Anntonia Porsild. You?" She gave that radiant smile that I wanted to see again.

"M-Michelle Dee. N-Nice to meet you." I extended my hand for a handshake and she took it without hesitation and smiled at me. I smiled back.


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