Chapter 1

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The night was dark, the kind of dark that would almost make you feel like you were trapped in a black void you couldn't get out of. A comforting warmness came with it, one that wrapped around you like a blanket.

The otherwise peaceful night, however, was disturbed by the sounds of a police chase. The perpetrator they were after was in front of them, looking from the mirror of her seat back at them, a calm look on her face.

Laura Cortez had just been exposed as a corrupt mob boss. The police had what they needed to put her away. She couldn't let that happen. She worked too hard for everything she had.

The driver of the car, Drew, sped the vehicle up even faster. It would be over his dead body that Laura got arrested. He was her bodyguard and the most loyal person to her. The two of them had a sibling-like relationship being very close to each other. Like Drew did for her, Laura always made sure he was taken care of. She knew he wouldn't let her down.

And she would be proven right as she noticed that the cops were no longer following them after Drew had made a couple of turns after entering the woods.

Laura smirked at her bodyguard. "We lost them. I knew I could count on you, Drew."

Drew nodded his head. "Like always. So what's the-" he stopped mid-sentence when they were stopping. The car had run out of gas. "Fuck!"

"No need to panic," Laura told him. "We already lost the cops. I'll just call someone to come pick us up."

She takes out her phone and gets out of the car. Drew gets out as well to have a look around. It's only a few seconds before he notices something in the darkness.

It looked to be a silhouette of some kind. His eyes followed it as it moved around. He narrowed his eyes and took out his gun.

"Alright, come out!" Drew demanded.

"Hm?" Laura asked, turning her head to her bodyguard. "What's going on?"

"There's someone over there," Drew said, keeping his gun pointed where he last saw the silhouette.

Laura looked at where the gun was pointing. She didn't see anything. She took a flashlight out of the car and shined it there. She still didn't see anything.

"Are you sure you saw something?" Laura asked.

"I'm not kidding, Laura," Drew said. "There was someone there."

Part of Laura thought that maybe Drew might just be seeing things but she trusted her bodyguard.

She held the flashlight around but still nothing appeared. That didn't mean nothing hadn't been there.

"Alright, fire a couple of warning shots," Laura said. "I doubt it's any of the cops and that any of them will hear since we lost them."

Drew nodded and fired his gun a couple of times in different directions before shooting a third time in the air.

"I'm gonna go get a closer look," Drew said.

Laura nods as she tosses Drew the flashlight. He walks closer to where he last saw the silhouette. There still seemed to be nothing there. He then shined it to the side and something jumped at him.

He got out of the way just in time, seeing a woman in front of him. Her hair was blonde, and the zipper jacket she wore black, complete with blue pants and white shoes. The most notable thing about her, however, was the gas mask she wore.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?!" Drew asked, pointing his gun at the woman.

"Don't you know, Drew?" Laura asked, now off her phone and looking at the woman. "They call her the Breath."

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