Chapter 20- ARIELLA

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"Are you really gonna do this again?"
"So its our fault?"
"Ari, your really think we do this on purpose? I don't know about this fu- King here, but I really didn't know they would get their numbers"

I turn around making both of them halt in thier steps, and simply stare at them and turned back walking again

"You are going to ignore me?"
Dad inquired as I confidently strode into the bustling campus filled with students.

"Why the hostility, Little warrior? Are we not a sight to behold?"
"Far from it, you both are the most handsome"
I replied, disregarding the curious gazes of the students.

"More so than Ronan and his twat"
I directed my attention towards them and continued
"More so than anyone, and uncle is my cru-"

"Was, Princess, was, not is, and his spawn is being Eli, that fool isn't agreeing me and is in denying"

What is he denying?

"What's the matter with my son? Accept the fact that we are soon to be in laws" he stated, and I shook my head at the perpetual rivals who seemed to only engage in bickering.

Honestly, Brother Eli and Ava have the most peculiar relationship, a blend of hatred and dominance. The esteemed Eli, who will soon turn twenty-seven, and my sister, who is only twenty-one, exchange glares and speak only to provoke each other.

"Not if I break his legs and ruin his existence first."

"Try all you want"

"Mom Dad peace out!!"
I interjected, and uncle inquired
"Eli and Ava are a match made in heaven, aren't they?"

More like in hell but anyway

"Of course, uncle."

"You pretty little fucker, stop turning my daughter against me, and no, Ava is not meant for Eli."

"So I am pretty huh!?"
"I said fucker too"

"Stop cursing at eachother"
I said taking their attention and glance at students who are looking at us. No I don't give a damn if someone looks at me or give me their attention, I just don't want others to cast an evil eye on my Men. Dad and Uncle are the first men in my life.

One of my fellow classmate saw me and smiled, I just nodded my head in acknowledgement and she waved her hand grinning, I waved back too.

Our class has unity, we never fight, in start they didn't like me, but eventually we all are in peace which is quite unexpected, we all stand for eachother, we all bunk classes, mass bunk, me and Annie started it first and then we all came along. The fact that even girls said they like me, after a month of joining to Uni is what I didn't expect, okay maybe I did, because no one spoke shit behind my back about me. I swear to god our class has the best class president and students all are fun going.

"Respect me Nash"
"Fuck off King"

He remarked, and I crossed my arms, leaning against the wall, waiting for their ceaseless argument to come to an end. After what felt like thirty minutes, they finally stopped with glaring at each other.

"Done? Or want to argue more?"
I say frustrated and they quitely follow me again, we reach the principal office. Dad took my schedule and handed it to me.

"Why is it changed?"
I ask but uncle didn't say anything nor did Dad.

"Take care and do-"
"Dont forget to call, eat on time, not a lot of ice-cream, no junk, listen to Bran and Brother Cray, no playing in water, if troubles to be caused call Brother Eli and Lan, make sure Remi stays away and sleep on time, we are one call away if I want something, that's it right?"

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Where stories live. Discover now