Intermission #3: Part Two Trailer

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wasted in love

"Varian, I can't leave you!"

"Please." he begged desperately.


"As for Y/n, I will not rest until she has been found and brought to justice."

baby, it's harder to breathe when you're gone

She was so cowardly.

How could she leave him?

so i hold in my hands, pictures of you

Y/n took the (Y/n)rium necklace in her hand and ran her gloved fingers over its violet gemstone, wishing for all the world that Varian was here, and not the things he left behind.

and dream of the day you were eating for two

Y/n took the opportunity. While Rapunzel hugged her father, everyone was distracted, and no one was watching as Y/n darted from the rocks and ran.

Out, past the Corona walls.

To whatever lay beyond.

all this love, i'm so choked up

Six months.

Y/n had been on her own for six months.

i can feel you in my blood

She missed him. Desperately.

all this lust, for just one touch

As she walked, Y/n's thoughts returned- as they often did- to Varian.

Specifically, the kiss.

i'm so scared to give you up

...Maybe they're worth following.

valentine, my decline was so much better with you

"You promised!" he screamed.

"Varian, where are you?" Y/n cried, running through the dark and finding nothing.

valentine, my decline, i'm always running to you

As the lanterns closed in on her, all Y/n could see was a haze of golden agony as Varian's voice echoed one last time.

"If you weren't good enough to save me, maybe you deserve to be forgotten!"


It took her a minute to notice the four people standing above her, staring down with blades drawn.

"Well, what do we have here?"


"Welcome home, Princess."

part two- valentine

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