10. Pop Star

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Doing my own things, 

mind my business in my Prada

The rest of the day went by, the boys let you know that they understood that this might've been a culture shock, but still encouraged you to apologize to Riddle along with Ace so they invited you to pick chestnuts with them to bake apology tarts. Which honestly shocked you once more, back in hell, if you disrespected a boss, their followers would shun you out too, but maybe you weren't giving these guys enough credit, scratch that, you definitely weren't giving enough credit.

You guys were all currently in the woods behind campus, where large trees thrived, creating ample amounts of shade everywhere, you haven't seen anywhere so green in so long, summoning a familiar, curious sparkle in your eyes as you looked around.

"Woah! There are so many chestnuts!" Grim explored all around, noticing the large amounts of chestnuts in the trees, hastily climbing onto one and swiping a chestnut eagerly, only for the stings of pain to erupt from the unsuspecting nut.

"Ow! The chestnut's thorns just dug into my paw pads!" Grim cried out, looking at his paws with comical tears, with this warning you turned your head to a low hanging chestnut. You reached out and plucked it off the tree, your fingerless gloves sure helped making sure you didn't pierce your palm like Grim.

"Hmm, we probably need a basket to hold the chestnuts without getting hurt..." Deuce theorized,,"The botanical garden probably has whatever we need" Ace inferred, dragging everyone's attention to the garden enclosed in a glass house, Deuce nodded "Good eye, let's go check it out"

Your group walked to the garden, Yuu noticed your silence, when everyone stepped into the glass building, the brunette noticed that in the windows, with the faint reflections, you had the same [hair color] as the night of the chandelier incident, but he didn't want to point it out.

Your silence worried Yuu, he knew that living in Hell and suddenly transferring here was hard, and what went down in the cafeteria was hard proof of that. He knew very little about where you came from but you mentioned redemption for sinners, and how you might give it a shot. And Yuu was all for it, seeing a sinner being redeemed, seeing you get redeemed.

But despite everything you told him, he knew that you still held many secrets, secrets that fill the gaps in your backstory. Your personality, your past, your reasons, he didn't know much, but he wanted you to open up to him. So tonight he planned to talk to you in the dorm.

Yuu stood by you as you all decided to split up, in the garden, he held a protective aura around you as your atmosphere felt very vulnerable as of right now. Grim stepped in front of you guys, marveling the copious amount of fruits on display.

"No swiping Grim" Yuu warned, turning to Grim as you kept walking, not minding your step, you felt like you stepped on a small speed bump, looking down it was a tail?

"Oof..!" A voice groaned, making your walls jump back up, being alert, you saw the owner of said tail. The same tanned, long haired, brunette furry from the other day...! You were ready for whatever this guy was going to do, or was that your nerves taking for you?

"Oi, you got some guts for stepping on someone's tail without saying anything" the tanned boy mumbled, standing up, 'Holy shit is this bitch tall' you thought, even with your platforms your height was barely at this guy's chin.

"Are you the caretaker? You seem like an impolite guy" Grim wonder out loud, "Would a caretaker take a nap on the dirty ass floor?" You sarcastically answered, scanning the tall male, he wore a Savanclaw armband.

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