Diary entry #1

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February 18th, 1507

The sun rose on La Esperanza, revealing to us the lord's bounty. We've made landfall on the new world, I, Alonso de Cárdenas, have the honor to lead us unto this land. We shall search for riches in the great land.

Though this is the first day, my men have made many accomplishments. We have established a small clearing in the rainforest and set up a small encampment. We've erected a large wooden cross in the middle of the camp, setting up what soon will be our fort to protect us on this land we call "Fuerta Fortuna".

We've found water from a small river, it's not much, but it works. The crew has begun clearing a little area for farming with fire, we will plant wheat, grapes, olives, and sugar cane for selling. The lord has promised us this land, and we will make use of it.

We should get another group to come here by April, the wheat should be ready by then. We've 5 horses, and 4 pigs. The animals seemed to have adapted fine, and the land looks fertile. Morale is high, the crew is quite eager for a new start in a new land.

The sun is beginning to set on our first day, I've found a moment of solace on this beach, and I've been reflecting on the journey. The sea was out adversary yet also our companion. Now though, we stand on solid ground. I pray for the success of this endeavor, for my settlement's well-being, and for the grace of God to guide us in this new world.

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