Nisha's Prologue

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"Nisha, go use the whitening pack. We have to go to Rajvansh uncle's house for their party soon and we need to look our best." Mom says and I nod. This isn't new to me. The blatant racism has been going on for as long as I can remember. I've never hated my skin tone. I've come to love myself for it, but my family will never love or accept me for it. If we were "normal" people maybe it'd be different, but being part of the royal family or Rajasthan doesn't allow you to look anything other than perfect.

I'd love to leave my house, my family, and my life because I'm sure at least somewhere people will look at me for me and not for the hue that laces my skin.


We're at the party and I feel so out of place. Everyone greets my parents with total respect and when it comes to me, it's just fake smiles and false respect. I don't need their respect, I just need them to not push me aside due to my skin tone. What fucking racists.

Everyone is taking pictures, talking, smiling, laughing, and acting as if they don't have a care in this world, and here I am, standing in the corner of the room playing invisible. The room feels suffocating. I need air.

I walk into the house's large balcony. Jaipur was beautiful. It always has been and always will be. It was scenic and stunning but all my memories of it were black and white instead of color and I'd rather leave than make more painful memories. Even at my best moments, my parents would find ways to ruin it. I joined Kathak for them and no matter how much I excelled I wasn't good enough. I wish I could leave. Maybe if I wasn't me things would be different. My thoughts run through my head and all of a sudden a gust of morning breeze causes a sheet of paper to slam into my face. I pull the paper off my face as I spit out the dust and my strands of hair which entered my mouth. "Boarding school in Kochi, Kerala" The pamphlet reads and this is it, my chance to be free.


Two hours later I'm finally at home. My parents are sitting on the couch across from me and I'm telling them about how I'd like to go to Kochi for boarding school. They seem fine with the idea and that kinda stings. They'd do anything to have me gone.

"Nisha, for once in your life you've had a good idea," Mom says laughing and I can feel my heart break even more. "Yeah, you can go. We'll call up the school to confirm your admission and you go pack." I don't even reply, I just get up and walk to my room.

I'm happy to leave. That's what I wanted. But I wish my parents would've been more disappointed about my departure than enthusiastic.

I grab a suitcase and start packing. I just put in a few clothes and other necessities.

After an hour of scrolling reels on my bed the family help enters my room. "Nisha, your mother asked me to inform you that your flight is at 5 this evening and that you'd receive your uniform at the school." She relays and I nod, thanking her. The workers were the only people who treated me like I was human.

I look up at the digital wall clock whose face shines the digits ' 2:30' in neon white letters. Thirty minutes and I'm off.


I finally land in Kochi and it's quite dark. It doesn't surprise me though. My parents would do anything to get me out as soon as they could. As I walk out of the airport I see the school's bus shining through the dark of the night. It felt oddly comforting and calling. Maybe coming here was the right move after all.

Daiva - A Modern Tale of Indian MythologyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora