5 - Is this how everyday life in another world should be?!

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The art is not mine!  |

Writing style:

Y/N = {Your name}

L/N = {Surname or middle name}

E/C = {Eye color}

H/C = {Hair color}

"[Y/N]: conversations"




"Magic attacks, sound effects or highlighted lines"


"It was the next day at the mansion, after Subaru and Y/N mentioned what they wanted as a reward, the dark-haired boy started working as an employee, with Rem and Ram being chosen to be his guardians, not only teaching him how to take care of the mansion, but also giving writing and reading classes. In the morning and afternoon, Subaru would do his work as a butler, and at night, he and Y/N would have their classes."

"In the case of Y/N, he had been granted an indefinite stay at Mathers' mansion, and also had access to the great forbidden library, in which the great spirit, Beatrice, had her domain."

"In the morning, Subaru was guided by the twins on his tasks and was shown all the rooms in the mansion, which for some reason, the boy didn't seem very surprised to see. Y/N on the other hand, had the idea of head to the library with his spirit, with the aim of not only trying to increase his knowledge of Magic, but also establishing more ties with a certain little girl with blonde hair."


Small Timeskip to see a Chibi Y/N and a Chibi Yshra walking through the halls of the mansion. But a blue-haired Chibi maid watches them from afar, in a discreet manner.

"Walking to one of the doors in the corridor, the boy lightly taps it three times, waiting for the person on the other side to give a response, which was received not long after."

[Beatrice]: You can come in, I'd say.

"Receiving permission, Y/N and Yshra enter the immense library that resided behind there."

[Beatrice]: I see you and your low-class spirit won't give up disturbing my peace, I presume.

"Upon hearing the words 'lower class spirit" Yshra quickly flies from one side to the other, with a mark of anger on top of it. The great spirit just ignores the small spirit's frustration."

[Y/N]: "So you call 400 years of pure loneliness and pain... peace? Huh..." I don't know about the disturbing your peace part, but we came here to seek your help.

[Beatrice]: Help from Betty? And why would Betty help you?

[Y/N]: Besides the deal I made with Roswaal? I think just your good will. But if that's not enough...

"The boy who had his hands behind his back, puts them forward, revealing a plate with succulent pancakes."

[Y/N]: With my mere human knowledge, I think this might pique your interest! "Pretentious little smile."

[Beatrice]: Humf! Do you think just a treat will get my attention?

[Y/N]: I'm always willing to try new things.

Distorting And Starting Life From Zero In Another World. (Re:Zero X Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu