27. Ick

395 15 38

Red bottoms don't fit, 

I'm hood Cinderella

"Ah, I see, so thats what Headmage is thinking..." Riddle thought, putting a hand on his chin in thinking, Cater's lips quirked into a smile, "Ah, so you didn't come visit just to wish Trey well..." Yuu frowned, "You make us sound like villains!" He retorted, you awkwardly looked to the side before back to them.

"Well, it is starting to become glaringly obvi that people have been getting more and more injured, especially Magift players..." Cater shrugged, Riddle nodded, "Well, at the time I didn't feel anyone push me and I don't recall slipping on anything.. it just felt like my body was moving on it's own..." Grim's tail wagged wildly at that familiar sentence.

"That's what everyone says!" The feline exclaimed, Riddle's gaze then hardened, you crossed your arms, "There is a culprit here intentionally injuring Magift players, without a doubt" Riddle concluded, "They're targeting their rivals to look better at the tournament?" Ace asked, making you shrug.

"Of course they are, they're boys!" You complained, flipping your hair.

"What a way to put it..."

"Well it's true, even if its not you, there's a bunch of greedy shitbags here, it wouldn't be mind boggling to realize that someone is organizing these "accidents" especially since Headmage did say that this tournament is being broadcasted, some douchebags here wanna be noticed by the world" You explained, your fellow first years seemed to get the message.

"Hm, still, you didn't feel any wind magic behind you?" Cater questioned, twirling a strand of his bright hair between his fingers, "No, it didn't feel like an attack.." Riddle answered, his eyebrows were knitting together. "Well no matter, I cannot stand to the side while students are being targeted, Ramshackle prefects and Grim, as a fellow prefect myself, I shall assist you on this hunt" Riddle declared.

"Huh?? You're helping?"

"Woah! Count me in as well!" Cater chimed.

"What, you too?!"

"Then there's no choice but for us to join as well!" Ace and deuce suddenly spoke up.

"I never seen you two so eager..." Riddle sweatdropped at their enthusiasm, but Cater suddenly pointed his finger up before pointing the finger at the two freshmen, "I get it, you're in just to nab a spot on the team roster!" Cater chuckled, making the duo grow defensive.

"Ack! You caught us...!" Ace nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Who's us? I- I just believe we should keep an eye out for each other!" Deuce deflected, but the eager shine in his eyes told you otherwise.

Riddle smiled with a bit of pride, "Hm, well, depending on how you two behave, I will take it into consideration" the house warden nodded, making his two underclassmen cheer together, your Emo heart softened at the sounds of their happiness.

"Anywho, we need a plan if we are to capture the perpetrator" Riddle quickly reminded, making grim confused, "Nyah? How do we anticipated them?" He asked, tilting his head, "Find people who have yet to be injured that are skilled players and see who's at the scene of the crime." Riddle explained, Grim nodded before jumping onto your shoulder.

"Like a stakeout!" Grim named, looking proud of himself to name strategy, Cater only boosting his ego with his agreement, "Exactly!" The ginger gave Grim a thumbs up, Cater then pulled out his phone and started to type at a concerning rate of speed, and you all heard a ding from your phones.

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