28. Let Me See ya Move!

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Her moves, her moves, shit is mythical

Can't wait, can't wait to get physical 

Goddamn that ass, unforgettable 

The setting was a huge turn around from the gothic or proper vibe that you got from the other dorms and buildings of the school, it was sandy and very dry, resembling a Sahara climate, there were fucking trees in here, and the buildings looked more like caves with decorative flags. You even saw some massive bones off to the side as... decor?

"Woahhh, this is Savanaclaw huh?" Deuce wondered, looking around, his head was turning so much just to behold such a 180 turn of scenery.

"It's so rugged in here! What animal did that come from!?" Grim exclaimed in awe, jumping around the group to look at everything a bit more closely before walking beside you. Ace nodded as he scratched the back of his nape, "Yeah.. it's so different from our dorm" Ace called out.

"It's so #rough in here, even the air feels pretty wild" Cater smiled, inhaling a breath of the "wild" air, Ace turned back to Cater, "Alright, so what does Jack look like?" Ace asked, "Tan skin, cum- white hair, a furry..-" you started, shrugging, trying to remember the last few features. "He has a bushy tail too!" Cater finishes your description, giving you a peace sign.

"Bushy tail, bushy tail.. oh isn't that him?" Grim pointed out, you all turned to where Grim was pointing at, there was a furry boy, who you noticed was massive in terms of muscle, he was running around a yard with a stone cold face. You noticed that Yuu inched behind you. "Yo he is huge, I don't fuck with that..." Yuu muttered behind you.

"Yep! Grimmy hit it right on the head!"

"Woah?! Another huge one even after those big ass twins?!" Ace eyes widened.

Cater scratched his cheek in thought, "Maybe thats why so many clubs apparently scout him out, look at the guy!" Cater chuckled, "Uhhh, I don't know, I'm scared not gonna lie" Yuu muttered, rolling his eyes behind you but cater only waved the air with his hand with a dismissive tone. "Aww, don't be! You're fine!" Cater assured, but it didn't make Yuu feel any better.

"Come on Yuu, don't be scared of a hellhound furry" you rolled your eyes, Cater nodded, agreeing with you, "Like what Velvy said, plus if he bites I'm pretty sure she bites harder" cater winked, making you smirk with a reassuring light.

"Hey prickly guy!"

'Oh my fucking shit' you deadpanned, whipping your head to the direction of Grim's voice, the sight was amusing, seeing such a tiny creature talk to a massive, skyscraper built guy, but you stomped over to Grim nonetheless. "So, some bad guys might be competing after ya and your skills, so we're here to help protect ya, aren'T ya happy?" Grim asked with a prideful and snarky smile on his face.

"What the sevens are you doing in my way of running?" Jack grumbled, looking irritated at Grim suddenly skidding in front of him. You huffed over and scooped Grim up, making the creature yelp, "Hm? Why is the daughter of whatever here? With you guys?" Jack questioned, looking at you up and down and turning to Heartslabyul students you were with.

"Really? You remember me as a daughter of some shitbag you don't even know? Know me as Velvette, bitch" you spat, irritated and reminded that this was the house that spread that dumb rumor when your first arrived. You rolled your eyes when Jack blinked in surprise at your vulgarity in just two sentences.

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