-Chapter Twenty-Eight- King

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/you've got it all/ you've lost your mind in the sound/ there's so much more/ you can reclaim your crown/ you're in control/

-king, lauren aquilina

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?" Y/n heard Andrew call from behind her, the golden throne room doors swinging open.

Her gaze never left her confused parents as she heard footsteps approaching behind her. She took a step back as the Saporians approached, letting them form a group around her.

Varian walked to her side and took her gloved hand in his, without a sound. Y/n smiled, despite the implications of what she had just done.

Andrew stepped to the head of the group. "Don't you remember us?"

"No..." her father began questioningly. "Actually... I don't remember anything."

"Neither do I." the queen wondered aloud.

Andrew pasted a fake expression of horror on his face. Y/n had to admit, he was a pretty good actor.

"Really? Oh, no, this can't be good."

He shook his head. "We just went to go get your daughter from where she had been studying in the Seven Kingdoms. You told us only your advisors could be trusted with her safety, after all- what on earth happened while we were gone?"

"Daughter?" the queen asked, bewilderment on her face.

"I don't..." the king frowned. "I don't know what happened. I don't remember any of it."

"Don't worry, Your Majesties." Andrew reassured with a smile. "We'll find out what happened to you. In the meantime, we'll be here, helping every step of the way until you've recovered."

"But... who are we? Who are you? Who are they?" the queen asked, further confusion in her voice.

"Why, you're the rulers of New Saporia, of course!" he exclaimed proudly. "King Frederic and Queen Arianna."

He grinned. "My name's Andrew, and we're all your most trusted advisors. We've been here with you since the day you took the throne."

He turned to the group. "Clementine, Kai, Maisie, Juniper, and Varian-" he pointed to each of them in turn- "if you didn't already remember that? After all they've done for you, it'd be hard to forget them."

Andrew gestured to Y/n. "And your daughter, the Princess Y/n. She's been away, studying the Seven Kingdoms before you officially declared her as your heir." He shook his head with mock sadness. "I suppose that's how she avoided whatever dreadful thing happened to the two of you."


The amount of ridiculously believable lies in the past two minutes... holy crap.

He knows what he's doing.

"...Alright, then." Y/n's father responded slowly. The confusion on his face didn't seem to have lifted- if anything, it was worse.

"Your Majesties," Andrew began smoothly, "would you allow us to show you to your chambers? Perhaps we can fetch a healer, see if they can help with this."

"Of course." the queen nodded. "You are our advisors, I suppose."

The king and queen descended the steps of the dais, following Andrew, Maisie, and Juniper, who led the way out of the room.

Y/n's father stopped next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not sure why I don't remember having a daughter," he began warmly, "but though I don't recall knowing you, I'm sure you're wonderful."

Forget {Varian x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin