2: Beneath the Surface

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"They say still waters run deep, so does high school hallways." - Anonymous

             BLAIRE CAMPBELL

The air in gym hung thick and hot, a stark contrast to the crisp autumn breeze I'd left behind in Wisconsin. Sweat prickled on my skin, and I tugged at the collar of my t- shirt, wishing I stayed in my hoodie, maybe then I wouldn't feel so exposed.

Every eye in place seemed laser - focused on the squad in the center of the gym, their movements sharp and synchronized. They moved as one, a blur of glittering smiles and impossibly high ponytails. It was impressive, I'd give them that. But there was something about the way the girl in front commanded the floor, her eyes scanning the crowd like a hawk, that sent shivers down my spine.

"Who's general Leia?" A voice whispered beside me.

I turned to find a girl with kind eyes and a fiery red braids grinning down at me. "Excuse me?"

"The one with the death grip on that ponytail," she giggled, nodding towards the squad. "Looks like she can take you down with a flick of her wrist."

I stifled a laugh. "I think I'll take my chances."

"That's Madison," she continued, leaning closer. "Queen bee of West Mount High. And those are her royal subjects."

"Right," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "And you are...?"

"Jaliyah," she chirped, extending a hand. "Welcome to the jungle."

I shook her hand, a wave of relief washing over me. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all. At least I have an ally.

"So," Jaliyah continued, her eyes twinkling with mischief, "what brings you to our humble abode? Bad breakup, witness protection program?"

"Try, 'new kid in town," I said, rolling my eyes. "My mom got a job here. Something about escaping the rat race and embracing the big-city life."

Jaliyah snorted. "Right. Big-city life. Just wait till you see the drama that unfolds at the annual pie auction."

I raised an eyebrow. "Pie auction?"

"Oh, honey," Jaliyah drawled, "you have so much to learn."

Just then, the music stopped, and the gym erupted in a cacophony of applause and whistles. Madison, still radiating and aura of cool confidence, caught my eye across the room and held my gaze for a beat too long. A challenge? Maybe. Or maybe I was just imagining things. One thing for sure, though. Things were about to get interesting.

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