-Chapter Twenty-Nine- The Scientist

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/i was just guessing at numbers and figures/ pulling the puzzles apart/ questions of science, science and progress/ do not speak as loud as my heart/ tell me you love me/ come back and haunt me/ oh, and i rush to the start/

-the scientist, coldplay

Despite Y/n's persistent curiosity, Varian refused to comment on what he had meant. When they left, she asked one more time, but he just grinned and said he'd tell her tomorrow.

She'd returned to her chambers- avoiding interaction with the Saporians- and fallen asleep within minutes.

Now, morning light shone through her windows as Y/n, exhausted, threw on what she had been wearing before the ball. It probably wasn't becoming of a princess, but her parents certainly didn't remember, and it felt strange to wear anything else after fending for herself for so long.

She hesitated, glancing at the Wand of Oblivium, which still sat on her dresser from the night before. She felt... drawn to it, and at the same time, it caused a sick feeling in her stomach.

Just for safety, she grabbed the wand and slid it through a loop on her belt.

Y/n dragged herself towards the door and opened it, the palace's light shining into her eyes, and she narrowed them until they had adjusted.

She exited from her rooms and out into the hallway. It was empty, and the rest of the palace felt the same as she traversed the corridors, wincing at each Corona sun carved on the walls.

Y/n didn't know where the Saporians or Varian would be. She knew they had a lot more to do, but she would have appreciated it if they'd communicated how their planning would be organized.

In the meantime, she was making her way to the throne room, hoping that she could find someone along the way. If only this palace wasn't so big-

"Hey, Princess!"

Y/n turned to see Kai calling over to her from a corner with a smile, his voice friendly with just the slightest hint of an accent. Clementine turned the corner a moment later, her expression less amicable.

"Hi," she called back. "Have you seen Varian? Or Andrew? Or, well, anyone?"

Kai shrugged. "Andrew, Mai and June are heading out to draft some laws- or get your folks to do it, anyway. The alchemist got set up in the cellar last night, going on and on about some kind of experiment. We're going to check on him."

"Mind if I tag along?" Y/n asked, curiosity gnawing at the edges of her mind.

"The more, the merrier!" Kai exclaimed happily. Y/n walked over and joined their little row as they walked off towards part of the palace Y/n had rarely ventured.

As they walked in silence, Y/n noticed Clementine shooting her dirty looks, not even trying to hide it.

She finally gave in and sighed. "What, Clementine?"

The shorter woman scowled, and Kai leaned over, putting a hand on his angry companion's shoulder. "Aw, don't mind Clem. She's just a little mad that her wand found a better carrier."

Y/n frowned, confused. "Clementine, you can have this thing back. I don't want it."

If looks could kill, Y/n would be a pile of dust on the floor by now.

Kai laughed. "No, she really can't."

He stepped around Clementine to walk next to Y/n. "See, Wands of Oblivium are tricky things, and they're all unique. Some of them are general, and they can be picked up by anybody. Some of them need words to use, some of them need the user to have magic, some need you to wish for it, and others just need you to really want to use them."

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