True colours

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The day when Ivy returned to her home from Hazelburg to Maryland.

Ivy's POV

As I walked into my house, everyone looked exhausted. Papa had ordered takeout for dinner, and I headed to my room to freshen up and change into comfortable clothes. When I came out, they were all chatting in the living room, waiting for the food to arrive. I joined them, and we talked about the upcoming wedding.

After dinner, I headed to my room, feeling tired. As I opened my phone to set my alarm for school the next day, a message popped up, making my heart race:

"Good night, my little dove." I couldn't believe I had forgotten to block this number! I quickly blocked it and deleted the message, trying to shake off the fear.

The next morning, my alarm blared at 7 am. I groggily turned it off and got ready for school. In the living room, Mama had already made breakfast, and we ate in silence.

Papa offered to drive me to school since Tristan was still asleep. As we left the house, Mama asked for my phone to make a call, but I told her it was in my room.

At school, I met up with my friends Shiren, Sasha, and Natasha - my partners in crime. We chatted about our weekend, and I knew I had to tell them about what had happened with that mysterious man. They noticed something was bothering me, and I knew I could trust them with my secrets.

My friends noticed my distraction. "Hey, Ivy, what's wrong?" Shiren asked, concern etched on her face. I hesitated, unsure if I should share my fears with them.

But something about their supportive expressions made me open up. "I've been getting these weird messages," I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "Someone's been sending me creepy messages, and I don't know who it is."

My friends exchanged worried glances. "That's so creepy!" Natasha exclaimed. "Do you think it's someone from school?" Sasha asked. I shook my head. "I don't know. But I feel like I'm being watched all the time now."

As the bell rang, signaling the start of class, my friends' eyes were still wide with shock and concern. We quickly took our seats, trying to compose ourselves. I could feel their eyes on me, urging me to continue the story. But I knew I had to wait until later, when we were out of the classroom.

As the teacher began the lesson, I tried to focus, but my mind kept wandering back to that terrifying moment in the hotel garden. I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, and the memory of those menacing words: "You will be mine, Ivy."

At lunchtime, my friends and I huddled together, eager to discuss what had happened. "Ivy, that's so scary!"Natasha exclaimed as  I narrated all the things that happened and the encounter of me and that mysterious man. "We have to tell your parents about this," Sasha urged. I nodded, knowing they were right. But a part of me was still hesitant, fearing that he might make good on his threats.

As we sat there, trying to come up with a plan, I couldn't help but wonder: was I in grave danger? And was I putting my friends in harm's way just by associating with them? The thoughts swirled in my head, making me feel trapped and helpless. But with my friends by my side, I knew I couldn't give up. We would face this together, no matter what lay ahead.

We continued talking, trying to come up with a plan to identify the mysterious sender. But deep down, I knew I had to tell my parents about this too. I just hoped they wouldn't overreact...

"We need to tell your parents about this," Sasha said firmly. "They can help you figure out who's doing this and how to stop it."

I nodded, knowing she was right. But a part of me was still scared. What if this person was someone close to me? What if they found out I had told my parents and retaliated?

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