Dream or Reality?

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"Ren, do you mind.. Uh.. Get a coffee with me after Design class later?" Trevor said, rubbing the back of his neck due to his shyness.

The girl with short hair that almost reached the guy's hair length standard at college chuckled, adjusted her glasses up, and nodded. "Sure, Trevor. Why not? But you're paying!"

Trevor's cheeks reddened. ".. Of course, I'll pay for the lady,"

Aren made a serious face, "I smell sarcasm," Trevor pursed his lips, getting scared of saying the wrong thing to his 'crush' but Ren was quick enough to laugh it off. The guy ended up giggling.


"So how are you and your boyfriend doing?" Trevor suddenly asked while stirring his Americano.

Aren was taking a sip but when she heard Trevor asking that, her eyes darted toward him, looking through the cup that almost covered her eyes. She then put the cup of Latte down and rested her face on her hand.

"Not good. He got mad at me again for talking to you,"

Trevor furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why should he be mad because of that? It's not like I.. like you.."

The 'like you' part was said in a whisper that got the girl saying, "Huh?" in response but Trevor shrugged it off.

"Argh! My relationship is going down in drain because of this damn college life. Why didn't I get accepted to the nearby university? Ugh!"

"Well, you're not gonna fix it with him?" The guy asked, not looking at the girl.

"Hmm. It can't be saved. He made me lose interest by acting that way. It's obvious that he doesn't trust me no more." Ren scoffed.

The news somehow made Trevor's stomach turned. It's not something bad. It made him feel delighted. It meant that he got a chance.



That coffee was definitely refreshing. I got the energy to actually finish my assignment earlier than the due date. Life after breaking up is way different. I had so much free time that I thought would be such a waste if I didn't use it wisely. My phone was ringing with messages that I got from Vicky, my ex-boyfriend.

I put my phone on silent and continued to do my work. If a woman loses her feelings for you, you'll probably never get her heart back. That's why I can't help myself but not feel anything after the separation. He kept accusing me of cheating on him with Trevor and so on. I hate it if someone threatens my loyalty, it seems like they don't take me seriously. That's why I think it's best to cut him off.

Right after I was done with my assignments, I got back to my phone and blocked his number and social media accounts. It doesn't matter now. He won't find me because I transferred to a state that's far away from him.

I laid on my bed, scrolled through TikTok, and fell asleep.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She squirted her love juice everywhere. Some even landed on her face. Her pussy was gaping so wide that it could fit a wrist. She panted and looked up at the figure who was doing all this to her. It was blurry but the silhouette was big. His muscular body can be noticed by how the curves of the muscles twitch, veins popping everywhere even on his huge cock.

What's even more shocking is the long horns that had sharp ends.

"All loose for me, little girl?" The voice was so familiar. Her pussy was clenching but it never closed due to the looseness. She was forced to hug her legs to her chest, performing a vulnerable and exposed position. She was fully clothed just like how she went to bed except, for her grey yoga pants and white panties were ripped open, exposing her weak and loose vagina. She won't be able to walk tomorrow.

She could feel her nipples perked, getting hard under her matcha-coloured t-shirt.

"Ugh.. you done fucking me for 20 minutes straight! Tell me who you are!" Aren gritted her teeth, getting fed up but it was bizarre because she couldn't run away no matter how much she hated this. She felt like her body obeyed what this creature ordered her.

The unknown guy smirked, flashing his sharp, white teeth. He then flipped the girl onto her stomach, flat on the bed. Ren could feel that her yoga pants were ripped even more from her butt. Big hands came down to press down the girl's waist.

The girl was about to struggle to free herself but she stopped in shock when she felt the bulbous head of the man's girth squished in between her ass cheeks, teasing the hole. "I'll tell you whenever you're ready." The man from behind said, she could tell that he was grinning the whole time.

Aren's eyes widened. "No! Anything but anal! It's dirty down there! Don't touch me ther—!"

Toes curling, calves tensed, hands gripping the sheets, eyes tearing and, mouth salivating was all Aren's expressions when her butthole got harrassed without mercy.

Aren's moan was all you could hear, not forgetting the skin-to-skin slapping sound. The guy behind pulled on her hair, forcing her to be loud and clear. Aren could feel her feces, poorly seeping outside of her asshole every time the cock pulled out. The smell wretched her nose. Her mouth was hanging open, her tongue salivated like she had just eaten a lemon. She wailed out, begging for mercy but it was never given to her. Her pussy was long forgotten, left untouched.

"Stop.. Ngh! Oh shit! My ass is burning like hell!" Her voice cracked every time she tried to pronounce words.

The person behind her pulled her up by her neck, so her back was pressed into the man's chest. Her head was locked like a UFC fighter in the ring. Choked and helpless. "What do you know about hell, darling? You've never been there.." whispered the unknown presence.

"Like hell, I'll know. I'm experiencing hell right now,"

She thought.


Aren groaned. The ray of sunlight was already reaching through her window.

The girl remembered something and then quickly got up, sitting straight on the bed. She checked her pants and her bed sheets.

"It was a dream?"

She thought because it felt so real. In fact, nothing happened to her. Her clothes and body were perfect like before.


Classes were, as usual, nothing changed. Aren was hanging out with Trevor in the cafeteria.

"Oh! Trevor! I broke up with my BF last night," Ren declared with her mouth full.

"Oh really?!" He exclaimed excitedly but he then realized it and cleared his throat. "So, are you sad about it?"

Aren shook her head. "I feel like my burden is lighter now," Her smile flashed her two big teeth at the front. She almost looks like a hamster to Trevor. He could pinch her cheeks right there but he chose to keep himself controlled.

"Oh, by the way, I had a really weird dream last night. I don't know if it's the break-up effect or what but.." Ren looked around them to make sure that no one was hearing. "... I was railed by a demon-like man," She whispered to Trevor, smirking.

Trevor furrowed his eyebrows, "Oh? And do you like it?"

"Of course, I do! Man, he got the biggest dick ever! Left me gasping for air. You know me, am such a slut for weird fetishes," Ren said like it was not a big deal to her. Trevor was fake smiling, feeling awkward about this conversation.


Trevor's POV

I sat on my bed and sighed.

"Why did she talk to me like that? I thought she would at least give me a chance after she broke up with her boyfriend. She knew I liked her but she ignored that fact to keep our friendship,"

Trevor had an argument with himself. He felt like a hopeless romantic. He fell in love with Aren at first sight and his love only grew stronger the closer he got to her. He laid on his bed and fell asleep.

To be continued...

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