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Yesterday was the first night of NeVa after their wedding and they spent it in the hospital. Still, they were happy because they were together with their brother. Ed haven't woken up yet, Ava and Neil spent the entire day with him, praying for his better health.

On the other hand, Knights were living a nightmare. The ring that Brad presented to Ava, Neil on the very next day, sent it back to him on behalf of Ava. Now how would he let his wife keep a cheap ring?

This infuriated Brad to no extent. After all the wedding was announced to the media, they won't spare him. He would have to face public humiliation and embarrassment, which would further affect his business.

He immediately cancelled any contact with the Knights and swore to ruin them.

The day before yesterday Knights were having a party. Yesterday they were declared bankrupt and today their house and other properties were seized. They had no roof to shelter them. Nicholas was ready to beg to King to save him but he couldn't reach any of his kids. Isabella was desperate she couldn't imagine life without riches so she divorced Nicholas. Isabella and Celine moved in with Brad. Next week Isabella is getting married to him.

Nicholas was left alone and had no place to go. He had few dollars left so he booked a room in a cheap motel.

Neil knew about all that was going on, unlike Ava who was quite unaware, he had his eyes everywhere.

"Ava, let's talk. Come out with me."

"Neil is everything fine."

"Not for Mr Knight. He was declared bankrupt yesterday and so his family left him. Now he has no one and nowhere to go."

"Neil can you help me buy a small house in the opposite part of the city in his name."

"Why do you want to do this, let him suffer."

"I am not God to punish everyone for their sins. I also can't deny that he is my father. I don't consider him as one but still, he is the reason that Ed and I are in this world. So I will just give him a house and hope that he learns his lesson and lives the rest of his life with dignity. Also ask your lawyer to prepare the papers stating that he has no relation with me or King, please."

"But because of him, Ed is in this condition. Just because of his selfish reasons."

"Don't you think he is punished enough, he has no money, no family, no respect, no dignity. He lost his pride with the fall of Knight's company. I would have done this for any homeless man, let alone my father."

"OK, Mother Teresa, I'll arrange everything but the house will be in a different country. Agree."

"OK, I'll send you my account details."

"No need. I owe him the most because of him I got a beautiful wife and a best friend. I'll ask my men to close his chapter forever."

"Neil thank you so much for everything."

"That word is prohibited for you. If you say it again, you'll be punished."

"And what will be the punishment?"

"I dunno, I can get creative." He said winking at her and making Ava blush before he left to arrange everything.

It was the third day of Ava and Neil being married and coming to Ed. No one in Ed's family knows about Neil getting married.

In the afternoon when Ava and Neil were sitting with Ed and just talking about random stuff, Avaa felt Ed's moving his fingers. She told Neil who ran and called the doctors. Ava and Neil were impatiently waiting outside the room for doctors to check on Ed. They were full of hope.

God listened to their prayers. The doctor told them that King had finally gained consciousness. They will keep him under observation for 24 hours and if everything is good, tomorrow King can go back home. However, he still has to be careful with his physical injuries.

Both of them were delighted and rushed inside to meet their brother.

"Ed, how are you feeling now? I'll never let you go anywhere from now, I hate you for the stunt you pulled."

"I am fine princess. What is this frog doing here."

"Just wait till the princess kisses me," Neil said with a smirk. Ava blushed understanding what he meant while Ed ignored him.

"So doctors told me I have been out for three days, I hope everything is fine back home."

"Don't worry, everything is fine now, you tell me how you got yourself almost killed," Neil asked.

"I was coming back from a meeting few cars were following me, I speeded a little to lose them but a truck came from the front and banged with my car. I banged my head somewhere and everything went black. I think it was all fabricated, can you ask Peter to look into it."

"Ed, Mr Knight was behind all this," Ava said while tears were flowing from her eyes unstoppable.

"What, Ava please calm down love. You know I can't see your tears. I am back now and I promise to make everything right. Just don't cry."

Ava wiped her tears and sat near Ed. She held his hand and hugged me while he played with her hair. Feeling her brother safe and close to her, she relaxed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Ed made sure she was comfortable and looked at Neil for answers.
Neil told him everything except for his and Ava's wedding. He was scared of King's reaction.

"That's sick that those bastards were my supposedly family. Anyway thanks man, for everything and especially for being there for my sister."

"Ed if I did something that got you super angry, while you tried to not kill me."

"What did you do Neil."

"MARRIEDTOYOURSISTER." He said loudly in a breath.

"What say it slow in speed and volume." Slowly Ava was awake but both of them didn't notice her yet.

"I may or may not have got married to Ava."


"Ed calm down, let him explain first," Ava said holding Ed's arm.

"What's there to explain?"

"Ed would you have preferred me getting married to that Brad who has kids older than you," Ava asked.

"I will kill that bastard to even think about you."

"Do you trust me, King?" Neil asked.

"Neil, you know I do, but-"

"Ed, doctors didn't know when you would be awake and I did what I thought was best for all of us."

"Neil can you wait outside, I want to talk with Ed, please." Neil nodded and left the room.

While on the other hand, Celine didn't miss the opportunity to be Brad's stepdaughter. Brad was below King and Atkins but still but higher than Knights in the hierarchy. It allowed her to get easy access to the Atkins family.

She planted goons and pretended to save Neil's sister while getting hurt herself. And that's how she entered the Atkins mansion.
It was difficult to be a sweet and sorry stepdaughter whose ex-stepfather sold his mother before going bankrupt, to a millionaire. She easily earned everyone's sympathy. While all of Neil's family cursed Mr Knight and sympathized with poor Celine and her mother.

On the other hand, Mr. Knight realized his mistake. He accepted the house on the other side of the world. When Isabella cheated on him, he realized how wrong he was towards the people who were his family in the true sense. he wanted to apologize to King and Ava but didn't had the face to meet them. He also signed the contract stating he now has no relation with either of them. So respecting his words, he blessed the kids in his heart and left the country. He promised himself to never cause another problem in his children's life and to never come back again to the States.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

Guys I am back, thanks for your patience.

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