❄️The Kingdom❄️

40 9 5

Creativity:15 /15

The creativity is there, and it's very interesting to read the story. I find that the story is very slow-paced, so it takes a lot actually to get into the story. The first 3 chapters have a lot of information in them. They're just very slow, and it takes a while to get into the. Story But the way that the author doesn't is still unique and very interesting to read when it comes to the characters, the storyline, things like that. It's just a very slow start to the story.

Originality: 15/15

Definitely a story that I've not read. The story that I have not come across. So it's definitely an original story. The way that the story is written seems like it's more back in the olden day type story. And that could be the reason why it is a slow-pay story. And I'm not saying that it is a bad thing, that it is a slow pay story. It just is not one of those action-packed stories. And sometimes, having a slower story is not a bad thing. This story works because it takes time to weave the audience into the story. For me, I like old-fashioned stories, and I like older stories. So, to read a story like this is unique and very interesting, and it definitely is something I have not come across as of yet.

Storytelling: 15/15

Storytelling is very much the Earth is very much back the old days storytelling, very much back in the feel of story time when you would sit down and watch travelers tell you a story back in the old days or from their travels or what they've experienced. That's the type of story that I get when I am reading this type of story, and these types of stories are very good stories to read because you get a lot of information and you get the beauty of the telling of the story. It's not. Action pack. It's not a lot of drama. It's just a very subtle storytelling. What needs to be represented? And I like that. And this is what this story does.

Character: 10/15

do you feel like characters lack a little and are not seen as bad? I'm once again. My intentions are never mean or malicious. They're just how I'm feeling and how I'm reviewing when I'm reading your story. And for me, I feel like some of the characters are lacking more in-depth about them. I'm not saying that they won't grow or develop, but I feel like you don't make them shine as much as they should. I know this is a slow-paced story, so it might take a while to represent the characters better or even bring them to life. Fully. But at the moment, I feel like there could be more to the characters. I feel like they're missing something.

Story Flows: 15/15

The story has nothing wrong regarding grammar, sentence structure, or sentence flow. Everything worked out perfectly and sounded correct.

Cover Design:5 /15

When it comes to the cover, it is lacking a lot. For me, it does not pop, and it doesn't represent the story very well. To me, it's a very basic cover, and it doesn't bring out the beauty of how it should when it comes to the story. So for me, I feel like that is why the story is being overlooked a lot because the story isn't popping because the cover is not representing the story. It lacks when it comes to the story.

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Final Thoughts: 10/10

When it comes down to it, I do feel like this story has a lot of potential. Just feel like it needs to be. thought through a little more when it comes to how slow the story should go or how the page should go. Some stories, like older stories, are really good when they go slow, but then sometimes you do lose your audience because they get bored. Now, I'm not saying that this Is everybody because everybody's story preference is different. Sometimes, as a reader, you do want a little action, a little jam pack, a little something, something to bring the story closer together. I'm not saying that that is a bad or a good thing when it comes to the story because I truly feel like this story will be a good one. It just needs a little TLC. It just needs a little polishing. And it definitely does need a better cover for the story. I do feel like the author has a lot of potential when it comes to their stories, and I hope and pray that they have so many readers and they find the followers that they deserve because, at the end of the day, stories like this do need to be recognized. They just aren't being recognized because they are a smaller story and do not have a big following. So I do wish this author really good success in the future and I hope that their story does get acknowledged for the beauty that it is.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:85

Summary of the book:

When the Capital city Kushumbh felt the dangers of invasion, their King sent his only son into hiding. The crowned Prince was taken to the solitary village of Niyaati. The village however is hiding it's own mysteries. What will be the outcome of the Kings' decision? Read 'the Kingdom' to find out what happens next.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they cannot be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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