The Vampire and the Hunter pt. 2

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"Sam why does Michelle keeps sighing." asked Rhian while she sat on her lap.
Sam shrugged, "I don't know...ever since she got home a few nights ago..she's been like that."
"What do you think happened?"
" has something to do with you know who."
"Do you want to go ask?"
"You don't want to do that Rhian, she's just going to ignore you." said Sam. She was speaking from experience.
"You never know...I'll go talk to her."
Rhian made her way to the veranda where Michelle is sitting while she was just staring at the night sky. Rhian blocked the moonlight from Michelle's view. The short hair vampire raised her eyebrows, "Ummm...can you please move? You're blocking my view."
"I'm not moving until you tell me what happened."
Michelle sighed and closed her eyes, "Suit yourself, you'll be just there the whole time." Stubbornly Rhian did stay there even though thirty minutes passed, she didn't move an inch. Michelle looked at her friend, "Seriously?"
"Yup!" grinned the tall woman, "Like I told you earlier, I'm not moving until you tell me what happened."
"There's nothing to tell."
Rhian crossed her arms, "Yes there is now spill."
"Argh...fine...I got rejected ok." said Michelle in a painful tone and looked away. Rhian's face softened and hugged the short hair vampire. Michelle just let herself get hugged and they stayed that way for a while. Finally all her emotions came out and tears slowly fell down. "It hurts..."
At that moment Michelle looked like a broken child crying. Rhian patted her friend's back, "It's ok to cry."
"Why? Why? why did I have to fall for her? Dammit!"

Rhian didn't answer, she knew the feeling of falling in love with someone that it might be possible to be with. She closed her eyes, trying to be strong for her friend and not cry.
"You shouldn't give up. I may not have seen her so I can't tell for sure but I'm sure she loves you like you love her. C'mon don't give up now, the Michelle that I know doesn't give up that easily."
"But there's no use of pursuing her more."
"Do you really believe that?"
"No." answered Michelle with determination and wiped her tears.
"See, now go to her."
"What now?"
"Yeah, why not."
"But in a few hours, the war will break out."
"Huh, what war?"
"I thought Sam told you already."
"No...he didn't."
"Sam..." called Rhian and turned to where his boyfriend is. Sam gulped, "Ooops...I forgot."
"What war?"
"Well you know that Michelle is in the Iudicium group right?"
"No, I don't."
"Err...well anyways that group wants to eliminate all the hunters."
"What!? Michelle Is this true?"
Michelle nodded.
"So you're fighting her?"
"Are you planning on it?"
Michelle just looked away.
"You're not serious. What happened to 'go to her'?"
"There's another catch." said Sam.
"And what is that?"
"If Michelle betrays the group it'll be death for her and her family."
"What have you gotten yourself to?"
Michelle just shrugged, "I didn't have a's a family thing to be in that group."
"What will you do then?"
Michelle didn't answer Rhian's question instead she asked a question, "Do you two want to go somewhere, you know out of the country?"
"Paris!" grinned Sam, "always wanted to go there."
"Your lucky my friend we're going there later. I have a plan...but it's really simple. You could say similar to how you two disappeared."
"Ah...I see."
"Yes, we're going to meet at the airport. I'll get the tickets so you don't have to worry about it. Don't forget your passports though."
"I'll go prepare things...I'll see you two later."
"Wait...what about the government? Don't you "work" with them?"
"No...not anymore..I quit."
"Uh? when?"
"Just now." grinned Michelle.
"You're a piece of work." laughed Sam.
"I know."
"Well... Michelle...good luck."
Michelle nodded and went in the house to make some calls.
"C'mon Rhi-rhi we should go too."
"But don't she need any help."
"No, it's ok she can take care of things herself."
"Will she really be ok?"
"Yes, that's Michelle we're talking...she's strong, just believe in her."
"Let's go!." said Sam and took her girlfriend's hand.

The night will be different, it wouldn't be the same old nights, this night is when the vampires would make their attack. The moon hung high in the sky, this particular night it glowed more than usual. The wind that whirled was colder than usual. The air was filled with bloodlust. Far from the distance wolves howled, their loud ear piercing sound would send a shiver down anyone's spine who heard it. It was a perfect night to start ...a battle.

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