Taking the scenic route 2 (Ft. MSD, Virat Rohit. Mahirat and MahiRoRat)

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Taking the scenic route 2 (Ft. MSD, Virat Rohit. Mahirat and MahiRoRat)

A/N - We truly are in love with mediocrity. And worse, we always justify that love.

The beauty of the passing hamlets settled within the cozy nooks of the mountain range looked otherworldly and for a moment, Rohit tried to clear his mind and to let the peace settle in.

What did happen after the Presentation ceremony? When did his ego become so large that it transcended years of friendship?

"Rohit?" MS prompted and met the youngster's eyes in the mirror.

A glance at Virat and Rohit shook his head. "Not here," he murmured.

There was absolute silence for a few lonely moments and then MS spoke again. "Here, Rohit. I need a reply."

Murky waters; MS knew that he was deliberately disturbing murky waters and yet, he cannot help but take that one step forward.

Rohit felt the stirrings of irritation crop up yet again and his forehead crinkled into a frown. "I will talk to you later, Bhai!" But he did not like the touch of vexation, coating his voice and tried to calm down. "I would prefer..."

"I would prefer that answer now."

Of course, MS interrupted. He ha had it with subterfuges, especially when it came to these kids of his. He had a plan etched in his mind and that was the only thing which mattered to him at this moment.

"Oh come on, Mahi Bhai! Just because it is your Virat...!"

"It is what?" MS thundered but more than him, it was Virat who looked taken aback.

The King tried to speak and found his voice missing; he moved his lips noiselessly. But he did turn around and raised his eyebrows at Rohit, who had lost substantial colour from his face, and looked kinda bloodless and forlorn; rather like a distorted image of something resembling Dracula.

The player shook his head, and looked away.

"Rohit?" MS prompted again but Virat reached out and tapped his shoulder.

"Let it be, MS."

"Did I ask you?" MS stepped on the accelerator the slightest bit making the other two scramble to hold unto the hanging handles. "What the fuck is wrong with the two of you? Just because I have been a little off for the last couple of days, you are taking liberties?"

"Virat has always taken liberties!" Rohit cribbed, feeling very much like the eldest child who always got blamed and yet had to maintain a flawless behaviour; it was so not fair. "This is the first time I asked for something... Anything!"

"Not the first time!" Virat's voice was laced with sarcasm. "And I never keep things from Bhai."

"Excuse me?"

"You are excused."

"You are such a moron, Kohli!"

"I am your Captain."

"Not here! And certainly not now!"

"Oh, of course! You will be hoping that it won't be for long, aren't you?You are such a Nitwit!"

"What? And you are not? You idiotic Kohli! You had to gift away your wicket, didn't you?"

Virat tried to reach out to grab at Rohit, or to pull his hair, if possible, but the seatbelt and MS's hand stopped him and of course the great Mahindra Singh Dhoni was roaring with laughter.

"The two of you are such idiots. And Virat, please don't make me crash the car, please."

"But MS! He gave away his wicket too."

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