-Chapter Thirty-Three- Blur

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/i am never satisfied/ i'm starting to blur/ waiting for the tide to wash me out/ clean me up/ cause i'm starting to blur/

-blur, imagine dragons

"I've got the rope!"

Clementine hurried over to the gaping hole in the wall, two coils of rope in her hands. She tossed one to Kai with a grunt.

"Augh!" he cried. "Cork fiber? Clementine, you know cork cord chafes my hands."

Clementine did not justify his indignance with a response, and threw her rope over the side of the wall. Kai followed soon after, and the two slid down to the ground, landing with a thud.

As Juniper and Maisie followed after them, Y/n turned from the hole to retreat back into the hallways of the palace. Varian had excused himself to return to the lab as soon as the bomb had gone off, and Y/n was planning to follow him as quickly as she possibly could. The Saporians were more than welcome to handle her sister- especially after whatever malfunction had occurred with the wand.

Just as she took a step back into the throne room, however, she felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder.

With rage already bubbling up inside her, knowing who it had to be, Y/n spun around angrily. "What, Andrew?"

"What was that?" the Saporian snarled.

Y/n knew exactly what he was referring to, but decided to try and delay her fate. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Andrew's scowl deepened. "The wand, kid. I saw what you did back there."

Y/n frowned, curling her hands into fists. "It's not my fault if the wand isn't working. I think I handled myself just fine without it."

He put a hand on the hilt of his sword. "I don't think it's the wand that isn't doing what it's supposed to."

Andrew took a threatening step towards Y/n, and she was suddenly painfully aware of the fact that Varian wasn't with her this time.

"See, I know exactly how that wand works. I was the one who got it for Clementine."

His eyes narrowed. "So I know that the only reason it wouldn't do its job was because you didn't want it to."

Wait, was he accusing her of sympathizing for Rapunzel?

"How dare you?" she shot back, taking a step towards him in an attempt to seem a whole lot braver than she was. "Don't you think I want my sister to forget it all? Don't you think I've got the most to lose out of anyone here?"

"I think," Andrew replied furiously, "that what I saw back there looked like betrayal."

Y/n went deathly still. A part of her brain went back to almost a year ago, in Old Corona, when her mother had accused her of not caring, of not having a heart, telling her she'd never deserved her birthright in the first place.

"Are you calling me a traitor?" she asked softly, one hand going to her alchemy belt.

Andrew's eyes widened for just half a second, but any shock or fear on his face was instantly replaced with a scowl.

"This is your last shot, kid." he spat, turning on his heel. "I want that formula done. Now."

As he stormed off, Y/n glanced down at the Wand of Oblivium resting on her belt.

Andrew had to be wrong. Something was wrong with the wand. Of course she wanted Rapunzel to forget. Of course she wanted justice for everything that had happened.

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