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Turns out his family only visits on the weekends where as me I basically live here the nurses say I can stay as long as I want as long as I leave without making a ruckus. So I find myself going home way past midnight and returning at around 8 am. It's been like that for the 3 weeks I've known Theo was stable.

"So teddy I brought you-" I look up to see his family. Mason Kyle lily Rayda and Jessica all sitting or standing around his room. I give them a little smile. It was odd because it was a Monday morning. "I brought you a new phone because the cops gave me your other one but it's smashed to high heaves so I brought you a new one I know you hate when I buy you expensive stuff but it was bugging me." I take my bag off my chair and get Theo's new phone set up. I transfer all his data from his old phone to his new one and put in his SIM card.

"See now when you wake up you don't have to worry about your phone I know I know I'm an amazing girlfriend you don't have to tell me twice." I placed the phone on his bedside table. "Ok so football update since you can't watch the premiere league which I know you are devastated about. So today's game was man united Vs new castle and fortunately man united won 3-2 Mainoo Diallo and Højlund scored and then for new castle Gordon and Hall scored."

I grabbed his hand it was warm this time and It made me happy. His skin was less pale and that horrible tube was out of his throat. the only problem was that his jaw wasn't healing as fast as they thought It would. I kiss his hand before doing my daily massage for him. "So do you feel like waking up for me today your hand is a lot warmer than it was 3 weeks ago so I'm taking that as a sign that you're slowly coming back to me." To me and your baby that is causing me really bad morning sickness and is making it harder each day to cover up.

The baby's sitting low so you can tell that I'm pregnant instead of just gaining weight if I didn't hide it.
"You seem happier today." Kyle tells me. "I guess I just decided to not give up on him I know hes gonna wake up so there's no point in crying like hes already dead." He nods In agreement bouncing his 2 year old on his knee.

I can't believe that Im going to have one of them in 5 months. I don't think it's really settled in because I know for a fact that when it does I'm going to freak out. "I'm thinking of cutting my hair babe. Maybe shoulder length. I saw something online that said hair holds memory and me and my hair have gone through some shit so I want to cut it let go of the bad memory and create new ones... hopefully with you. I was gonna get it done in a few days so I hope you're awake by then I want to know your opinion cause I know you love my hair so i hope you don't hate it when its gone" I smile at Theo softly.

"Here you can feel my hair one more time before it's done." Flipping my long hair over my shoulder I run the strands alone and over his hand softly.
A nurse walks into the room she was the same nurse that checks his vitals and keeps the meds he's on full in his drip.

"Hey Brooklyn." I smile at her. "How are you today my love." I shrug. "I'm feeling a lot more positive than a few days ago."
"That's really good darling" she says changing his iv. "He feels warm today like he's getting better." She smiles. "That's cause he's breathing by himself his leg is making progress and we're thinking of taking those wires out of his mouth in a few days the only thing we're worried about is his ribs aren't as bruised anymore."

"Do you know if we can help him get out of his coma." Rayda asks but the nurse shakes her head. "Not really but Brooke is doing a really good job looking after him and stimulating his senses by constantly touching him and playing music he likes and surrounding him with familiar smells but not overwhelming him it's honestly Astonishing she's known as one of the most caring visitors so far and she brings me and a few of my colleagues coffee every morning so that adds to it your son has an amazing girlfriend." She says as she leaves the room.

Rayda rolls her eyes and hums unpleasantly. "Why do you hate me so much? You hear that I'm helping your son In his time of devastation and you still find a way to have hate in your heart for me." The room goes silent. "I don't hate you." She mumbles.

"Yes you do I see the way that you treat Jessica,Summer,Layla and Hailey with nothing but kindness but you hate me you give me dirty looks you talk negatively about me and you can't say it's because you've known them longer because Theo told me you have only met  hailey 3 times and you still treat her and speak about her like she's your daughter and you cant say it's about theos birthday either because you treated me badly from the moment I walked into your home  on top of that  I've tried to apologize to you for speaking up for theo when i had no right to and you were so sweet to jayla when she visited theo and she said worse things than i did all i did was defend theo i never once said anything hateful towards you."

"So what's the reason I'm not a bad girlfriend to Theo people tell you how much of a good girlfriend I am and you've seen through my actions I am a good girlfriend. I'm not horrible to any of your sons or you or your husband in fact I try my best to get along with all of you. I'm not a bad person in general I always try to do my best so why do you hate me so much. Even when I told you about theo's accident you didn't ask about theos visitation rights what hospital he was at nothing you just immediately jumped down my throat even when I was already heartbroken."

"I don't mean to show you so much hatred it just it's Theo he's still my boy you know. I never worried about the others but him I felt like I needed to protect him with my life he was so vulnerable he went through so much and I didn't need him to go through anything worse. So when I see this stunning tall perfect blonde girl with long blonde curls who looks like she could get anyone she wants and a smile that could melt any vulnerable heart I immediately felt negatively about you because I didn't need you to shatter the last piece of theo that was left."

Her reasoning was understandable. "I would never do anything to hurt Theo. I know what it's like to be betrayed and hurt and heartbroken because of an ex and one thing I know is that I love Theo too much to ever let him go through that. Id do anything in my power to swap positions with him just so hes not hurting. Id do anything to go back in time and tell him to stay with me that night to tell him not to go home and to stay and spend the night and maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Maybe he would be with me right now helping me through this pregnancy.

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