Chapter 8: Death Wish

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Everyone was silent after Mason had stormed out. Even Mr. Miller was in shock at what had just happened. Then, with a sigh, a longing glance at the board and then the clock, he gave us our homework assignments and dismissed class ten minutes early. I had a feeling that he was going to let us out after Mason had left because there was no way anyone would turn their attention back to the class after his outburst. Yet I had still waited impatiently through the few minutes it had taken for Mr. Miller to tell us what pages and questions from the textbook we had to complete. When he let us go, I was already packed and ran out of the door instantly. I wanted to find Mason and make sure that he was all right. I wasn't sure why since I knew he still didn't like me after snooping through his sister's Facebook page, and since then it had been deactivated, the posts, and any information lost. I had felt the urge to follow him out when he left, but I didn't want to get into trouble with Mr. Miller, and have the class thinking that we had something between us.

I walked fast as I exited the classroom. I whipped my head left and right, not seeing Mason in the hallway. Assuming that he left school, which is what I would do if someone had read how my sibling was killed, and knew it was wrong, I hiked my bag up higher on my shoulders and ran to the left toward the main entrance of the building. My classmates who were exiting the classroom behind me stared at me like I was a chicken with it's head cut off, but I didn't care anymore. They were going to think whatever would provide for the next best rumor, though I doubted it would top a supposed overdose. I ran down the hall, turning fast and running down the next. I slowed down as I passed the windows to the main office so I wouldn't seem suspicious to Mrs. Nancy behind the front desk, and then sped up again once I got to the doors. I pushed outside into the humid air just in time to see Mason crossing the street. 

"Mason!" I screamed, trying to get him to stop.

It worked. He stopped walking, and turned to see who had called his name. When he saw that it was me he shook his head in disbelief and turned back around. To my utter annoyance, he continued walking down the street. 

I groaned, and ran down the staircase in front of the school, stopped to check for cars, and then ran across the street. By the time I had caught up with him, I was gasping for breath. I had anticipated the fact that he wouldn't stop unless I blocked his way, so I ran in front of him, faced him, and raised a hand to stop him in his tracks. When he stopped, he gave me a cold look, but I didn't back down. Instead, I braced my hands on my hips and took a deep breath in, and then let one out. I had never been a strong runner, but it had never mattered until now. 

"Seriously, what do you want now?" he asked, his eyes in slits. If he thought that I wasn't getting the hint that he hated my guts, he even crossed his arms for good measure. Clearly he thought I was a waste of his precious time, but I wasn't always after information. Sometimes I could be nice.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were all right after what happened back there," I answered. My cheeks were burning under his cold stare and I felt like a child who was being punished for bad behavior. He hadn't forgiven me for snooping, and I didn't think he ever would. No matter when I saw him he would always show an instant annoyance to my presence. I tried to stand taller,  hoping to make myself seem more confident and sure of myself, but he still towered over me by a few inches and knew it.

Mason ran a hand through his dark hair with a heavy sigh, effectively messing it up and causing strays to fly in various different directions. "Why can't you and everyone else just leave us alone?"

I shrugged in response. I didn't know who he meant when he said, "us". Was he referring to his family, or to him and Sophie?

My silence only seemed to upset him more. "It's happened, it's done, there's nothing we can do about it now," he said as a convertible with it's top down, filled with some of our classmates, drove past slowly. Everyone, even the driver was staring at us. Mason seethed, raising his hand and flipping them the bird, effectively telling them to get lost. They sped off, and Mason returned his attention to me.

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