My Room In Disarray 1

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                                                                               Chapter 1

                                                                     My Room In Disarray

"A messy bedroom, and a constant reminder to clean it up."

My thoughts after reading the cute little note that was posted outside my bedroom door to welcome my return from school, only I didn't write it. My mother did.

Why are some parents such neat freaks?

I can get around through it all, and find whatever needs finding. There's no need for reiteration. In other words, reminders that my room is a mess is unnecessary, unwelcomed, and flat out rude, in my opinion of course. 

What sorts of items are thrown around my room you ask?

Well, there's clothing scattered on the floor, in the corners, and on the bed. Toys are all over the floor, and on the table. Shoes are not lined up under my bed, and my closet is in disarray with some of the same items that is messing up my room.

Sounds familiar?

I guess so. It was written on the note that my mother put on my bedroom door. She's a neat freak, not a liar. A neat and tidy room is what she requires just like the way she keeps the rest of the house. Everything is in it's neat little place. My sister and I have assigned tasks. "Contribution adds value, and it makes us better people". Yea, Yea, we hear it often, from mom and dad.

My thoughts on that subject?

Trash duty is one of my chores. Can you believe it?

I have to take out the trash and recycling materials. They are asking a lot of me on that one. I have to maintain good grades, and oh,

Did I mention legible handwriting?

That's another story. Regardless of how I feel about chores and what I think about chores, I will do what is asked of me, because disobeying my parents is not an option. Respect is important. I can appreciate that.

Before I clean my room, I just want to clarify that I am not conscious of my untidiness at the time it's being committed. Yes, it's true. I get home from school and just want to relax. I get to my room and say, "Atlas, I'm home". Shoes, off. School attire, off. I get out comfy wear like a t-shirt, slippers, and shorts. Depending on the weather, wherever my stuff lands, that's where it usually ends up until one of my family members see it. I don't think it that's serious, but I will clean it up now. I won't promise that it will stay tidy, but I will say that an effort to be more tidy is a goal that I will set for myself. Maybe a reminder every now and again will be useful after all.

By the way, Machlan Buscami, is my name, but everyone calls me Clutterbrain Macky. That's because I'm always brainstorming about new topics before completing one subject. I'm okay with you considering me a genius. I thank you ahead of time for that. My sister, Lori says I'm book smart but I need to do more research on common sense. Of course she was kidding. She's a little older than me.

Heading towards her 2nd semester in college, Lori's become complacent about how her college dorm is kept also. I've visited a few times and saw her lab books on top of her microwave, and clothes all over her bed, to name a few things out of place, but I'm not one to pass judgment. I am just stating the facts.

She said she was in a hurry and had many errands to run that day. I said yeah ok, but she's probably right. She is kind of neat at times also, so her good habits follows her I suppose. At home, she would take me on her errands. We were close then and still are. Dad says we are two peas in a pod. Mom agrees, but adds the fact that Lori's more attentive to her surroundings than I am.

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