No.6 (yaoi) Luck of the Draw

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Shion and Nezumi are two of my favorite characters from No.6 and all original character design and story goes to the author: Asano Atsuko. This story is mine and will not have any notable references to other stories. Thank you :)

I hope all that like this will share their comment, vote, and/or like this...P.S. Comments on spelling and grammar , I would like you to post.


Shion lifted his head off his pillow while letting his arm drop from the alarm clock. 7:00 am. Shion stretched and slid out of bed. He went to the bathroom, showered, changed, brushed, and headed to the kitchen.

Mice scampered around Shion's feet as he made breakfast. Hamlet climbing up Shion's clothes made his way up to Shion's shoulder to watch the others. When Shion was done making breakfast he put a small bowl of bread crumbs and milk out for the mice. Lifting Hamlet off his shoulder and putting him with the other mice, Shion said to the mice, "I'll go get Nezumi up for breakfast. Hopefully he won't be late for work today?"

Walking to Nezumi's room Shion stopped at the full body mirror on his door. Most people tended to stay away from Shion because he had been born with white hair, pale skin, and red eyes. They thought of him as weird and treated him as an outcast.

The first day of middle school Shion was all by himself no matter where he was. Shion was used to this kind of treatment but it sometimes still hurt when no one would even look at you. Shion was twelve and all he had ever wished for was that some one would acknowledge he was there.

That first day during homeroom he was sat at the back of the class next to an empty seat. Shion made it through the first two classes of that day without being called upon to answer questions or read something. Shion was day-dreaming when suddenly...


Everybody ran to the window as smoke was coming out of the P.E. building. No one had that class until after lunch so it was supposed to be empty. Some nearby teachers ran toward the building and after awhile they came out with some one. Whomever it was was putting up quite a fight. The rest of the day went by as normal.

The next day started out the same except the seat next to him wasn't empty for long. The principal came in somewhat pulling/excorting a student to his seat.

The principal walked to the front of the room and addressed the class:

" As you all know yesterday their was a small disruption on campus and this is to warn any future students that violating and school rules...blah, blah, blah... ..."

Shion wasn't paying him any attention, instead he was looking at the guy sitting next to him.

Shion looked at his name tag:Nezumi. Shion then looked at him more closely, he was wearing a well-worn jacket that was probably green but had turned black. He also had long hair tied up but it was so black it looked blue. And the little bit Shion could see of his eyes they were gray and didn't seem to reflect anything they saw.

Later that day during lunch Shion decided to sit under the Sakura tree though it was too hot for most people to eat outside. As soon as Shion sat down a shadow fell over him. Shion looked up in surprise to find that it was Nezumi standing over him. "Care if I join you." The way Nezumi said it was not a question but a statement. He sat down next to Shion and they ate their lunch mostly in silence. They talked about things but it was just out of politeness, when Nezumi stated, "You were staring at me earlier in class. What! You got a crush on me or something, kid?!" Shion blushed slightly pink because he had been caught staring, he stammered, "N-noo!"

Nezumi laughed a little. Shion blushed a bit more but thought that Nezumi's laugh was nice and, maybe, a bit refreshing.

Nezumi and Shion talked all through lunch and they soon became friends in class, and outside of school.

Just remembering Nezumi's way of getting his attention back then and hearing his laughter for the first time always made Shion blush and smile at the memory. That had been four years ago, now Nezumi worked at a theater and went to high school. Shion had studied real hard and graduated last spring from high school and now work at his own bakery.

Shion opened Nezumi's bed room door and walked in. Nezumi was in bed surrounded on all sides by books. Shion didn't know how he could sleep in a room filled head to toe or floor to ceiling with books piled on top of each other. Shion was actually surprised that Nezumi hadn't been crushed by an avalanche of books by now. Shion laugh to himself. Shion carefully navigated through the books to the side of Nezumi's bed and leaned over. Shion kissed Nezumi on his lips then whispered in his ear I Love You.

Nezumi opened his eyes looking at Shion, then as quick as a cat he pulled Shion into a deep kiss. After a while Shion could barely breathe and playfully started to hit and push Nezumi away. Nezumi released him from the kiss but held Shion close to him. "time for breakfast and you are going to be late for work if you don't get up", Shion gave Nezumi another kiss but just on his cheek and left him to get dressed.

Nezumi entered the kitchen a few minutes after Shion sat down. Nezumi sat across from Shion at the table and they ate their breakfast.

After breakfast was done Nezumi went to brush his teeth and Shion cleared the table and started washing the plates and cups. Shion even washed the mice's bowl after they had finished their breakfast , too. Nezumi soon came out of his room and back into the kitchen. "Don't forget your bento lunch." shion pointed to a boxed on the counter and continued washing dishes. Nezumi grabbed the Bento and walked toward Shion, grabbed his hand and kissed it.

Nezumi then turned and walked out the door. More like he strutted like a peacock, Shion thought.

End chapter 1.

Please tell me how you liked the intro... and tell me what you want out of this series and I'll try to oblige y'all.

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