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February 21st 1991

It was a normal day on the HMS Argyll,the waves were fairly tame,aircrafts launched from the frigate every now and then.

Gareth joined the Royal Navy On his 18th birthday but it's not what he expected .Growing up in the coastal city Plymouth there wasn't much excitement either,If you didn't work by the port you were related to someone who did.His dad did,well before all the layoffs anyway.

He doesn't do much of anything these days other than roll around on the floor after one Guinness too many.
Gareth needed an adventure and he wagered the Navy needed all the men they could get.

this was true the gulf war was underway but Gareth was stationed by the coastal of Britain so he still wasn't far from home.He hoped he could tell his girlfriend Cheryl he did something exciting. At this rate the war was almost over and he'd have nothing to do with it.

Gareth was an engineer but he was no Officer just a Rating (he's not paid as well),he spent most his time making sure the HMS Argyll doesn't sink,but when him and his fellow seamen got board they'd sabotage the anti-aircraft guns just so they could repair them again.

Right now Gareth was in the mess hall having surgerless cereal.
"Do you think we could get away with sayin we was in the gulf." Gareth's best friend Adam said whilst sipping his coffee,they grew up together in Plymouth desperately trying to avoid life as Fishermen.
"Yeah probably but we'd know wouldn't we,vI'm gonna hit the gym wanna come."Gareth said getting up.

Ah the gym were all the seamen like to show off their biceps and tattoos,Andy had two sleeves and a tattoo on his neck and he was built like a truck.Gareth on the other hand was quite lean ,about 5'11 and was a naked canvas.
Andy literally towered over him, he always had more luck with the girls back home too,those big biceps were a good start and he had way more charisma than he knew what to do with,Gareth was like a introverted little brother and definitely the one woman type but he wasn't complaining.

"So mate when are yah plannin on putting a ring on it ?" Andy casually asked whilst doing pull ups.
" You don't mince words do yah." Gareth laughed.
"Seriously though you two've been dating since what year ten." Andy chuckled whilst moving on to a bench press.
"Haha,we can't all be James Bond you know." Gareth said whilst doing press ups.

"Ah I'm no James Bond,he only sleeps with em once that's just a waste if you ask me." Andy smiled as he was dealing with more weight than even he could handle.
"Oh so your recycling are yah." Gareth laughed
"Somthin like that."Andy said whilst adding even more weight on the bar.

"Seriously mate if I were you I'd tie the knot,especially when good old Tommy's tryin to get in there,every day your out here is another day he could." Andy was cut short by a dirty look.

"Look I can tell she loves yah but her dad's old school, I'd be surprised if he wouldn't try and marry her off for a cow." Andy said and they both started laughing.

"Look I've been meaning to but have you seen the price tag on them rings mate it's legal robbery I'm tellin yah." Garath said.
"Well I heard there's a lot of money to be made bootlegging in the Gulf, so who knows we might get reassigned for our next tour." Andy said whilst they were both sipping from their water bottle
"Sounds like a plan." Garry said as he chugged the water down.

They saw a helicopter land on the helipad and they could tell it needed repairs so they made their way down there.
It looked like it'd been to the Gulf,bullet holes were all over it and it's missile supply was depleted.There were two personal on board the Pilot and a Commander,the Commander simply got off and made her way to the command deck,They couldn't see her very well from where they were but one thing was for sure,she'd  never been here before. The cockpit was way ahead of it's time, Gareth and Andy both knew there was no way the Navy could afford something like this with the new budget cuts.

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