Chapter 1

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'Stupid school, stupid parents, stupid everything! Can't they see I'm trying!' you grumbled to yourself. You had just gotten into a fight with your parents about your grades. Your math and science grades have dropped a bit. Only because what you're doing is really confusing. You're trying your hardest, but do they care? No! So here you were stomping angrily through the woods. You just had to get away for a bit, yes it was dark but if you didn't get out of the house you would of went crazy.

You got far enough from the house that all you could see were trees and you couldn't hear the noise of the cars. You found a nice place to sit down under a tree so you leaned back and signed 'finally alone' you thought. You closed your eyes and tried to relax.

...SNAP! You were jolted from your thoughts by the sound to a twig snapping. You stayed completely still and listened when you didn't hear anything you relaxed slightly. 'It probably just an animal' you thought. You figured it was around 12:00 am by now and your parents would be worried... and mad, but you would deal with that later. You got up and stretched, your joints popping and cracking. Sitting on the cold, hard ground for hours is exactly as comfy as you think.

You started walking back towards your house. 'wooh' you thought 'I didn't think I walked this far'. By now you were cold and tired and just wanted to be home snuggled up in your warm bed asleep. You were also now aware of how creepy the woods looked at night. How you could hear owls calling and couldn't see what lurked in the shadows of the trees. It was also very cold now and you not thinking only brought a thin sweater with you. You wrapped your arms around yourself trying to get even the slightest bit warm. It didn't help much.

Out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw something move. Quickly you turned around in that direction but there was nothing there. "I'm being paranoid" you whispered. You were about to start walking again when a gloved hand covered your mouth and an arm snaked around your waist. You froze in shock and fear. "No, you're not, love."

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