~ Part 1 ~

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A spark

I woke up, feeling a bit disoriented from what I feel like is a long deep slumber. The last thing I can remember is leaving from a small cafe with someone, a girl, I can't seem to recall her face and I feel pain on my chest whenever I am trying to reminisce what happened in that cafe,

I looked around me, the world seems so cold and dark, it is like being locked in a musty room and with no windows. It smells like the stench of rotting meat and bones here. Trying to get up, i heard painful cracking and snapping from my body but I can't feel anything except the coldness. Slowly I stood up, my head feels so heavy and my entire body is so light,

Spark, spark

There it was again, a flicker of light illuminating the surrounding for a split second.


"Damn this matches, you there, (useless piece of sh*t) you should have brought a lighter." a hoarse voice coming from where the spark is.

"Wh-who's there? Wh-where am I?", my voice sounds like wood about to snap.

"Sssshh, quiet you useless undead", there's the voice again.

"What the hell is this? Undead? Is this some kind of joke?"

The voice laughed, its hoarse voice made it sound like barking.

"This is not hell. Yet."


Then there was light, it is coming from a small candle on top of a table that looks like it was made many generations ago. 3 feet away from me is a dusty old chair, and on front of it was the table.

As my eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden light, I saw a figure looming on the other side of the table. I squinted to get a better picture on the figure.

To my horror owner of the voice has socket holes for eyes, no nose, bare set of teeth, it's hands are made up of what looked like small stones connected by joints and hinges. A skeleton! It was wearing a heavy, black hood and black overalls covered its whole body leaving only its hands and face visible.

"Welcome to the purgatory you useless undead, I am the keeper of souls."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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