authors note

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Hey guys and welcome to part two of Jasper! 

I've been a bit quiet this past week, sorry! I've been meaning to write this author's note to clear discrepancies up for awhile but I've been hella busy. Not to make excuses (omg I'm a terrible writer lol) but I'm a week away from exams and I've been 'trying' to study the best I can. 

The first chapter was planned to be posted the weekend after exams but I've decided to push myself to try and get it out earlier (hopefully this weekend). 

I don't really remember what else I wanted to say.... sorry... I'm probably forgetting something knowing me. 

Thanks for being so awesome guys, I can't believe people have read my book and actually liked it aha. :D

- leigh

p.s. the description will probably, most likely be edited aha.... *shrugs*

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