Your Not There, Do You Care?

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Hi. My name is Oliver. I'm 16 and my father passed a month ago. I've been so lonely, depressed, confused. My mother is a big alcoholic so yay to that. I have a little sister named Ace who is 13 but, she has different father. She always tries to cheer me up but, it's just no help.

I've been trying to figure this out. Trying to understand. Why my dad did what he did. All he did was pass it on to me. God, I miss my dad.

"Kids it's time for dinner!" My mom called out. "Coming." I sit at the table and hear sister come down the stairs. My mom puts plates in front of us and I see a blob. "What the hell is this suppose to be?" "Oliver! Language!" "Ugh, I'm not hungry." "Your never hungry Oliver." "I'm just not hungry mom." I get up and go to my room.

I get on my computer and go to my pictures folder. I see pictures of my dad and me together. I feel tears falling down my face. I wipe my tears and close my computer. I sit on my window ledge and look at the rain." I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." My sister walks in the room with a sad look on her face. I have my hood on and I'm just staring at the rain. Dripping.

"Oliver?" She said sadly. "Go away Ace." "Oliver, I hate seeing you upset." "Why do you care. Nobody does." "Why would you say that?" "I've been cutting myself for 5 years and nobody's noticed.

Im suicidal. I want death. But nobody. Gives. A. Shit." "I care about you so much Oliver. But your dad did what he did because he was sad." "Where in you god damn mind do you think it's your right to talk about my father like that."

"Did he kill himself just because he wanted me to kill myself? For gods sake why can't the world just give me a fuc*ing chance in life! Just leave me alone Ace."

Ace touches my shoulder and I push it off. I hear her walk out the door. I just want life, to be gone. I get in bed and go to sleep.


I get up to the sound of my alarm going off. "Ugh, shut the hell up!!" I hit the snooze button on the alarm and get up.

I get to the shower and take off my clothes and hop in. I feel the cold water press against my skin. I rinse my hair and get out.

I pick out a black Ghost Town shirt, blue pants, and a black beanie to wear to school. I go to my mirror in my bathroom and take my anti depressant pills.

I don't know why I have to take them it's stupid. It doesn't help me at all. I put the pills up, grab my backpack, and go downstairs.

I plug in my headphones and grab a yogurt for breakfast. "           .       " "OLIVER!" Ace yelled at me. "What!" I yell. "Good morning." She said with a smile.

"Awful morning." I throw away the half eaten yogurt and walk out the door to school. I play the song,"her last words."

I bump into someone. "Oh I'm sorry." No no! It's was my fault!" The girl turned around and looked at me.

I was breathless. She had bright blue eyes, the darkest black hair, she was beautiful. "Um, are you ok?" She asks.

"Oh uh, yeah. My names Oliver." "Isabella." She said as she shook my hand and smiled. She started to walk with me.

"So where you off to Oliver?" "My own personal hell as I like to call it?" "School I'm guessing?" She says with a laugh.

"Which school?" "Highland." I said and her face light up. "Me to!! We should do hang out!" My heart was racing.

Was life actually going to give me a chance?"


We finally get to school and yet again, the bullies. "Hey gay olive!" Brackston says as he pushes.

Brackston is the school Jock who bullies almost anyone who is Emo. I'm not gay ether yet he goes and says I am but, whatever.

Isabella steps up and pushes him back. "You know, maybe your a bully because your Emo yourself. I mean, ever heard the undiscovered jock story?"

"Saying the Emo girl with the eating disorder." "Actually just cause I'm skinny doesn't mean I have an eating disorder."

"Maybe you should ask your girlfriend about her option on that sense she has an eating disorder and you clearly need one."

"Whatever, let's go dudes."

"Are you ok Oliver?" "Yeah. Just something that happens daily." "Oh I'm sorry." "Don't apologize ok?"

"Are you ok?" "No ok? I'll never be ok!" I run to the bathroom and I hear her behind me. "Oliver!"

"Oliver wait!"

My heart was racing






I slam the bathroom door and the bell rings. I hear her footsteps walk away. Or as I thought I did.

I go outside with tears rolling down my face as I have a feeling of more heartbreak. I don't know why.

She didn't do anything wrong.

I'm just afraid that she'll leave just like my father.

I see her sitting there. "Oliver can we please talk." "I'm sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm just afraid."

"Afraid of what Oliver?" "Someday, someday I'll tell you."

"What class do you have?" I ask as I wipe my face. "Mr.Bradlys English. "Oh my gosh really? So do I."

"Awesome! Let's go then!"


I reach the end of third period and then go to lunch. Me and Isabella both have the same lunch so we agreed to meet at the vending machines.

"Hey Oliver!" I hear a faint voice from the right. I look and there she is. "Ready to get lunch?" "Totally."

We find a table by a tree and sit.

"So how was class?" "Uh, usually boring study."

"Oh, I had algebra." She tells me as she eats a bag of chips. "So what do you have to eat?" "Oh I don't eat here."

"Oh ok." The bell rang and we went to class.


The bell rang for the last time for the day and I started to walk out the doors. I hear Isabella call my name again.

"Let's walk together!" She says. "Ok." I say and she grabs my hand.
"Is this ok?"
"It's perfect."

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