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Lana: Ciao! Welcome to my +100 follows special story!
Adult! Reborn: Chaos. You better do this properly, Baka-Lana! *points a gun at Lana*
Lana: Hai, hai.. Can you, do the disclaimer, Reborn-san, Tsuna-kun, Nagisa-kun, Karma-kun?
Adult! Reborn, Adult! Tsuna, Nagisa, Karma: Baka-Lana/Lana-chan/Author-san doesn't own us, we belong to Amano Akira-sama/Yūsei Matsui-sama!
Lana: Let's start, shall we?

*3rd pov*

A certain mafia boss was in his office, signing paperwork like always.

Knock, knock

"Come in."

"You have a letter, Juudaime." Said Hayato and gave Tsuna the envelope.

"Thank you, Hayato." Tsuna smiled and opened it as Hayato left the room.

"Dear Vongola Decimo..

We request of you to help us assasinate the monster who destroyed 70% of the moon and is planning on doing same next year in march. The monster is currently situated in Kunugioka class 3-E as requested by it to train the class to assasinate it. You are given a 10 billion yen bounty if you manage to kill it.

We hope to see you teach class 3-E soon...

Best regards: Japanese government." He read out loud.

"I better inform Reborn.." The brunette haired mafia don sighed.


"So.. You accept?" The dark haired hitman raised an eyebrow.

"Of course." Tsuna answered flashing a beautiful smile.

"Just... Come home safe..." Reborn said rather softly.

"I always do." Tsuna nodded.

"I better go pack. I wouldn't want to be late from my flight." The mafia don smiled.

"Alright..." Answered Reborn.

*In Japan, 14 hours later*

Tsunayoshi was currently looking at a small japanese styled mansion painted in soft orange.

"So this is my house." He said.

"I better unpack and start making myself dinner." He smiled faintly.

"Tomorrow, I shall start working." He whispered.

*after unpacking and eating*

"Ahhh..." Tsuna sighed while sinking in his bath, shuddering as the water hit some of his old wounds.

"How peaceful..." He whispered.

"I miss them already." He smiled somewhat dazed, loosing himself to the memory.


"Ja matane, Reborn... Minna..." Tsuna said kissing Reborn's cheek and petting Leon.

He flashed his guardians a bright smile making them flush a little.

"Be good, minna-san." He waved and turned to leave but was stopped by his guardians and Reborn hugging him.

"See you soon, Tsunayoshi/Tsuna/Tsuna-nii/Juudaime/Bossu." They said and finally let go.

Tsuna smiled at them and entered his private jet. He would definitely miss them.

*flashback end*

Then Tsuna got off the bath and changed to his pajamas.

Getting on his bed and crawling under his covers "Sleep well, minna." He whispered and let sleep contain him.

Lana: That's right, I'm gonna make it slight! All27! And the main pairing as R27!

Adult! Reborn: Good.

Adult! Tsuna: >/////<

All: See you guys soon!

Khr: Sawada-sensei Of Class 3-E (Editing the old chapters before continuing)Where stories live. Discover now