Careful Sands, This One Bites

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The best part of Friday's was that you got to sleep in for the next two days. I couldn't wait to curl up in my bed, cuddle with myself, and watch a movie.

I was currently in my last-period class which was Economics, there were a never-ending thirty minutes left of class. Thankfully, I had my best friend, Sam, annoying the shit out of me beside me. "Come on, please come," She whined once again, pulling my arm out of its socket.

I hissed, starting to get pissed, "I told you, I don't want to go to his stupid fucking party."

"Fine. Sit at home all night. See if I care." She crossed her arms and pouts. She's such a kid. If she didn't get what she wanted, she threw a tantrum.

I sighed, "Fine I'll go, but I'm not drinking and I'm only staying for like an hour." She was currently trying to make me attend my ex-boyfriend's party. Yeah, let me just show up to my ex's party after he broke my heart and tried to apologize the other day and I screamed at him.

That's allowed, right?

The bell eventually rang and I sprinted towards my car because I wanted to go home so badly. Before I left I heard Sam call out, "I'll come over at seven to get ready!" I rolled my eyes, jammed the keys into the ignition, and turned it on. I tried to get out of there fast because I hated getting stuck in the school traffic.

After a ten-minute drive, I arrived home, I immediately went to the kitchen and fixed up a quick snack. A PB&J. Simple and easy. I lounged on the couch for a while, and before I knew it the doorbell was ringing. Was it seven already? I opened the door widely and Sam and Bethany stood on my porch with wide smiles on their faces. They were already dressed, just needing to do their hair and makeup.

Sam was dressed in a tight black skater dress, it was almost as if she couldn't breathe. But, I wasn't going to start any drama now. The dress looked good on her, looking beautiful as ever. Bethany was in a cute white lace dress. It flowed and went perfectly with her tanned skin and blonde hair.

I smiled sheepishly at them and let them inside. They ran up the stairs of my empty house and went straight into my room. I lay on my bed as they bickered about picking out an outfit for me to wear.

Why they wouldn't let me wear my jeans and chucks is a question I wanna know. What was so bad about them?

Once I realized they weren't going to stop complaining after a while I went into my closet and searched through my clothes. My eyes landed on a romper I had not had a chance to wear yet. It was a white floral print flare sleeve. It was unbelievably cute. It was kind of low cut, but what the hell. It was a party.

I pulled it on and looked at myself in the mirror. Huh. So that's what I look like with nice clothes on.

I walk out of the closet and tap my friends on their shoulders. They look at me and then smile, "That's cute! Wear that!" Bethany gushed.

Samantha looked me up and down, "Where did you get that?"

I shrugged, "I got it over the summer and never had a chance to wear it."

"It's cute, I like it." She smiled and went to plug her straightener in.

I put on a pair of strappy black sandals that weren't too high, so they didn't hurt my feet terribly.

I sit down at my vanity and start applying some makeup touches. I already had some on from school earlier so I wasn't going to put any more on. My face was already breaking out enough.

I get Sam to straighten my hair when she finishes hers. After she's done I run my hand through the silky long hair. I rarely straightened it anymore because I was just so lazy.

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