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You need to understand before I tell you anything that I did not plan for this to happen. In no way did I realise that one night would lead to something so such bigger. Or that I could ever feel loved and vulnerable at the same time.


"Katherine," my mother yelled from downstairs. "You're time to clean this shit up," she slurred followed by a loud bang, which I assumed was her leaving out the front door.

Finding rubbish everywhere and the house looking three times as worse than when I cleaned it a few hours ago doesn't surprise me at all. No matter the amount of time, my mother always knew how to leave me with a mess, and my sister knew how to avoid cleaning.

Katherine had been away for the past few weeks, something mum would know if she paid attention after a night out. Meaning I was left to the house all by myself. This usually sounds like a dream to most, however if I turn on any form of electrical appliance, I knew it would be paid for straight out of my pocket.

The kitchen had empty glasses all around and a new stain was found on the rag. I could only hope mum would have to sense to come home before she gets shitfaced but that won't happen any time soon.

Katherine left for a road trip with some friends about two weeks ago and she sends me messages once in a while so I don't have to worry about her. They consist of 'missing you' and 'don't do anything I wouldn't.' In truth, I've never gone this long without her around and I'm just hoping these holidays finish quickly so I can get back to my busy schedule.

However right now my schedule was filled up with paper towel and a broom. I lay down on the couch for a minute while in the middle of sweeping. I shut my eyes for a moment, but I felt myself drifting into another world. Before I knew it I was being woken up by the phone ringing.

"Hello," I answer groggily, "Sawyer Swede speaking."

"Ms Swede, I'm Officer Presley," his voice was deep and lined with authority. "I'm calling about your mother. Do you have a moment?" Crap.

I drove to the local police station to find my mum sitting in a small chair and a large man by her side. "Ms Swede," he held out his hand and moved toward me. "Officer Presley."

"Oh, hello. Yes," I looked at his hand and shook it nervously. It's not like I've done anything illegal, but police officers can be intimidating, like when you drive past a cop car and you double check you have your seatbelt on even though you know you do.

He helped me carry Mum to my car and gave me a small business card which I slipped into a front pocket. As I drove back home I could see her in the rear-view mirror starting to fall asleep. She's never this bad. Only some of the time. But never to the police station.

I shut my side door as I got out which woke her up, she slid out and stood up leaning on the car. I put my hand up with force.

"Stay in the car, I'm just grabbing a few things."

"No," she lifted her head up and began to hobble toward me as I opened the house front door. "I'm going to bed. I promise." I turned back to look at her.

I can count the amount of times she has said that and meant it. One. One time. When dad left. She said he wasn't coming back. That much was true.

The number of times however she has said 'I promise' and didn't mean it is too high a number to count.

"Just," I turned back around, "stay in the car."

I ran into the kitchen and straight to the piggy bank that she doesn't know exists. I grabbed about $200 and hid the rest back behind the fan. To my surprise, mum stayed leaning against the car then hops back in when I shut the door behind me.

"Where are we going?" She asked me. I replied by starting the engine.

The business card Officer Presley gave me, confirmed my decision.

'Ocean-View Road Rehabilitation Centre.'

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