Boys Ain't Sh*t

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I cannot stand Calculus. It is the most irrelevant thing to ever be invented. Issac Newton can go suck a big fat one.

Just another reason why boys ain't shit.

Sure, I got decent grades in math but I hated it. I hated having to learn formulas and learn things that I would never use in life. Like when will sin, cos, and tan ever be relevant in life?

"Reagan?" A voice called out. I stopped looking at my paper and cocked my head to the right.

"What?" I respond.

He throws his hands up in defense, "Gee sorry."

"It's fine, Christian, I'm just stressed, what do you need?"

He clears his throat, "I'm throwing a party tonight, want to come?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "It's Thursday?"

He laughs, "We don't have school tomorrow. Student holiday."

"Oh," I shrug, "I'll come."

He smirks and nods, "Wear something sexy." I rolled my eyes and continued working on the never-ending math problems my teacher had assigned us.

The bell finally rings and I pack my stuff up and head to my art class. As I stop at my locker to get my sketchbook an arm is thrown over my shoulder. "Yes?" I turn to look at him.

"What's up with you and Sands?" He asks.

I raise my eyebrow at him, "What's it to you?" I don't even know what's up with him and me. Friends with benefits? Were we even friends?

He shrugs, and we begin to walk to class, "Just curious."

"Just friends." I shrug his shoulder off and walk away from him. That's going to bug me all day now. What were we doing?

I get to art class and I slam my book on the table, frustrated. Logan jumps in shock at my sudden outburst, "Sorry I didn't mean to get your panties in a twist. It was just a question."

"Fuck off Logan." I bite back. He laughs before starting a conversation with Lesly. Logan pisses me off easily. I know I'm overreacting but that question bugged me.

"Princess, you okay?" Christian whispers in my ear as he sits down.

I plastered on a fake smile, "Peachy." He can tell I don't want to talk about it and simply just nods. Thank you for minding your own business.

"Alright class listen up!" Mrs. Houser shouted across the classroom, "For today's assignment you will need a partner. You will need to create a realistic drawing of them using any media. Go."

Christian leans towards me, "Princess, want to be my partner?" I simply nod, since I don't have any other partner to work with.

"Great, so I'll take a picture of you and then you can take a picture of me and we will work with that?" I nod and turn towards him to let him take a picture. I try to keep a neutral face. "I want you to get my side, I look better this way."

I chuckle, "Whatever you say."

"Okay, ouch. And you know I'm hot baby, don't deny it."

"I didn't deny anything." I smile at him and take a picture of him.

We didn't talk for the rest of the period as we were both too intrigued with this project. I still to pen and pencil as I think Christian does the same.

At the end of the period, Mrs. Houser began to collect our artwork to grade it. Before she collects his I take a peek at it and it's stunning.

"That is beautiful," I comment. It almost looked unreal. Mine looked awful compared to his...

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