Chapter 22

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   Beth opened her eyes. Instead of the white ceiling like she had been expecting, she was looking at the dark brown roof of the alien's hut.

   She sat up and almost screamed. The alien was only a couple feet away. He was watching her. She realized that it was the first time she had seen the alien's eyes. They were completely black. He didn't even have a speck of white in his eyes.

   She scrambled into a sitting position, inching a little farther from the alien as she did.

   He continued to stare. After a second, he said something in his own language. It sounded like a question.

   She was about to say something when she remembered that he wouldn't understand her, so she stayed silent. She noticed that there was still golden light outside. Had she slept through the night?

   She rose to her feet. The alien mirrored her movements. When he was standing, he was at least eight feet tall. She felt very small standing near him.

   He repeated his words, this time she was sure it was a question. He gestured to her chest and once again repeated the words.

   "I'm sorry. I don't understand what you're saying." She said with a helpless gesture.

   The alien stepped closer. He pointed to her chest. He said something similar to what he had said before, only slightly different.

   She didn't know what to do, so just shook her head, hoping it would mean the same thing to the alien.

   Her idea must have worked because the alien stopped trying to ask her things, but he continued staring. His black eyes freaked her out, so she averted her gaze.

   She suddenly remembered Liam. How would she explain her absence? She had no idea how long she'd been gone, and had even less of an idea how to get back aboard the Songbird.

   When the realization of her situation donned on her, she had to sit down again. What if she was trapped on Nyx until the Songbird landed? What was she supposed to do?
    She felt completely helpless. The alien was still standing a few feet away, and although she couldn't see his face, she knew he was still staring. After sitting there for a few minutes, the alien walked away. He went through the door, and Beth, with nothing else to do, got up and followed.

   She was surprised at the speed of the alien. By the time she was out of the door, the alien was already halfway across the field. She had to jog to catch up.

   When she caught up to him, he didn't even look at her, he just continued walking. By the time he stopped, they were surrounded by fungus trees, and Beth was out of breath.

   The alien picked some heart limes and started eating one of them. She noticed that he ate it whole, mossy skin and all.

   He noticed her watching him. He held out one of the heart limes towards her.

   For the first time, she realized how hungry she was. Her stomach rumbled as she accepted the fruit. Although the alien had eaten the skin, she didn't want to, so she peeled the fruit before placing it in her mouth. The green veiny fruit tasted even better the second time.

   She found herself wanting another, but she didn't want to ask, so she picked one off a nearby tree. When she returned, the alien had a confused look on his face. He was still holding two extra heart-limes.

   She couldn't help but laugh at his confusion. At her outburst, he looked even more confused. She laughed louder.

   When she finally stopped laughing, she was breathless, and she had tears in her eyes. the alien was looking at her like she had suddenly grown an extra head.

Nyx (Complete✅)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang