everything you need to know

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welcome all to my very first awards book! the theme of this book is dedicated to the guy who's held my heart captive for as long as seven months now as of June 2018. this is because we went on an arcade for our first date. ♡

i hope that there would be no fighting or immature people bribing the judges whatsoever! let's all just have a good time and do our best, okay?


i. you may enter TWO books but they must be in DIFFERENT genres. for judges, you can judge as many genres as you'd like EXCEPT the genre you entered your book in.

ii. you must have 5 chapters by the start of judging.

iii. your book must be in english.

iv. you must follow me (@solerdani) and the judge of your genre. never undo this.

v. add this book to a public reading list so that there will be more contestants and the contest will be fast paced. never undo this.

vi. I will be denying your entry if you fail to follow the rules.

vii. erotica is not allowed but mature books are fine as long as it is not heavily focused on coitus. cussing and lgbt is fine.

viii. password for contestants is "i want a stuff toy" and the password for the judges is "machine is a scam"

ix. fill out the form COMPLETELY and tag at least SIX people who would be interested in this (you may tag more)

x. notify me if your username or the title of your book has changed. otherwise, you are DISQUALIFIED.

how this works

30 books for each genre will be accepted. 6 judges for each genre will be accepted.

in the 1st round, the judges would have to read 3 chapters of the books assigned to them. then they would choose their top 1.

in the 2nd round, where only 6 books per genre have survived, a new judge will be responsible to pick their top 1.

in the 3rd and final round, the judge will have to pick among all the top 1 of each genre and choose the best 5 books. note: only these final 5 books would be able to redeem prizes.

judging criteria

title [5 points] - how unique and how relevant the title of your book is to the plot/blurb. Also, does it have correct capitalization? Does it set the right mood for the story?

cover [5 points] - does the story have an appropriate, eye-pleasing cover that matches the theme of the story?

summary [10 points] - did the author do a good job at luring in the reader?

descriptions [10 points] - did the author do a good job at showing not telling?

grammar/spelling [10 points] - did the author take his/her time to edit the book for the reader's convenience?

plot [15 points] - is the plot creative so far? is the pacing of the plot perfect (meaning not too fast but not too slow either)? Are you left wanting more?

characters [15 points] - is the characters 3d? did the author make the motives of the protagonist known? back stories and whatsoever?

aesthetics [10 points]

estimated timeline
start of entries: June 08, 2018
last day of entries: June 30, 2018
judging (1st round): July 1, 2018
winners of 1st round: July 20, 2018
judging (2nd round): July 21, 2018
winners of 2nd round: July 30, 2018
judging (3rd round): August 1, 2018
FINAL WINNERS: August 25, 2018


1st place
+ sticker declaring that you've won the awards.
+ five free graphics from me
+ permanent follow from me and the judges of your genre
+ five of your books will be added to a public reading list in my profile under the name "Great Reads"
+ shoutout on my message board

2nd place
+ sticker declaring that you've won in the awards
+ three free graphics from me
+ permanent follow from me and the judges of your genre
+ three of your books will be added to a public reading list in my profile under the name "Great Reads"
+ shoutout on my message board

3rd place
+ sticker declaring that you've won in the awards
+ two free graphics from me
+ permanent follow from me and the judges of your genre
+ two of your books will be added to a public reading list in my profile under the name "Great Reads"
+ shoutout on my message board

4th place
+ sticker declaring that you've won in the awards
+ one free graphic from me
+ permanent follow from me and the judges of your genre
+ one of your books will be added to my public reading list under "Great Reads"
+ shoutout on my message board

5th place
+ sticker declaring that you've won in the awards
+ permanent follow from me and the judges of your genre
+ shoutout on my message board

Spring Day - 2018 Writing Contest
Who doesn't love a good read on a warm spring day? The sun shining, the birds chirping, and the books entertaining. Discover new gems with us as we soak in the rays of vitamin D that we desperately need after a long winter. All books are Welcome!

Press Play 2018: Book AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now