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For You

For You Cast
Shen Yue as Lesley Niquechole
Darren Chen as Russel Andrew

First Chapter Draft

I wonder what love feels like

I only experienced the so called feelings through dramas and movies

How does it make your heart flutter

What is Love?

"Is that all the draft you made the whole weekend Ms. Keit?" Mrs. Judith glared at me with disappointment in her eyes. The whole class was timid and unease with the atmosphere we've been having for the past hour and the students called after another has been making if worse. I know I wouldn't have the chance to brighten up the mood.
It's the last class in the morning for Monday and we've been dying to eat lunch to escape Mrs. Judith or Mrs. Terror's class the whole time. Literature. Who cares if we wrote 1/8 part of what we're supposed to present next month? Who cares if we wrote lame letters and compositions to be drafted for our public presentation for this year's graduation? Well I surely don't. If it wasn't needed to fill my card then I would've failed this subject ages ago.
"Mrs. Keit! Is that all?" She violently stomped on her right foot making the class jump in surprise. I fidgeted and made small movements showing how scared I am and emphasizing I have no other answer aside from
"No?!" she snickered and adjusted her glasses. "Step out of the platform" she ordered and I did what she said. I quickly ran back to my chair and prepared for her grand speech like the other kids.
"It's been a week since I gave you the task and you haven't give a single effort on your annual project for my subject" her voice was powerful and scary that the whole class looked down and couldn't help but shake in terror. "I wouldn't give you this project if I knew it would be trouble. I also heard how you guys finished your drafted thesis in just three days so how could you not do a 10 stanza poem?!" she slammed her hands on the desk and we all remained silent.
"And Ms. Keit" she suddenly looked at me making me stand and fear. "Y-Yes!" I answered. "Your poem could've been amazing if you did it seriously. You're the daughter of a famous author, why can't you be just like your Mother?". Ahh yes. I'm Layla Keit's daughter. The daughter of the infamous author and artist who wrote 3 best selling novels and painted the 2 most expensive paintings in our country. I don't know why I should be like her when I hate literature and art. I don't want to be a part of it.

"You should be thankful your Mother is Kayla Keit, if not then I would've chosen another student besides you for this presentation" she massaged her templed and sighed. "Darn you guys make me sick. Sit down" she ordered and I gladly obeyed. I felt Karen's hand on my shoulder and I turned around to face her with a smile. "Are you ok?" she whispered. "Yeah, I'm fine" I answered and she smiled. "Prepare for your presentation and finish the draft now!" we all fixed our seats when Mrs. Judith yelled once more before the bell rang. Finally! It's time for lunch!

"Mrs. Judith is really troublesome, its only been a month since school started and she already got me fuming mad!" Karen ranted as we made our way to the cafeteria. "Oh please, this wouldn't have happened if they didn't expect too much from the daughter of Layla Keit-Who- if I may say- is extremely dumb to be in her dumber subject' I rolled my eyes and watched Karen groan in anger. "Fk her and the school system, we don't deserve this" she cursed. "Fk life" I added and we both giggled.
"Theyre selling sweet and sour pork". "Really? Let's go! It'll be more expensive if it's not the first batch" a couple of student passed by us and we stopped walking as soon as we heard what they said. Sweet and Sour Pork! Our favorite! "Nicq, you are thinking of what I'm thinking right" she raised her brows twice with a wide smile before nudging me with her elbow. "If it isn't running to the cafeteria while chanting sweet and sour pork then we can no longer be friends" I chuckled before we started running for it.
We were in the middle of running when I realised something. "Crap! I forgot my wallet! I'll be back! Save me a seat, Karen" I quickly turned my foot and ran the opposite direction to get to ny locker fast. I hope I can still catch the first batch though... they double the price for every batch! q


"This is your serial number for your locker, it's just by the left corner, you can proceed now". I stood up and thanked the assistant before leaving to fix my things for class before I stroll around my new school. I missed out on a lot of subject actually and I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity to finally stroll around the infamous school for elites which is basically nature centered. Exactly what I like.

I'm supposed to be with a few more other guys but theyre running late. I guess I'll stroll around with out them. Left, wasn't it? I turned left and finally found the lockers. The halls are empty because it's lunch time and everyone is out eating or studying in the school's garden or yard. I'm jealous. I also want to enjoy the fresh air outside..
"Locker... 14" I found my locker and opened it with the serial number she gave me. It was empty but it smelled really nice and it had my schedules in it. Great, I like their service here. I hope they're not doing it because of US though..
"What? They're already releasing the fourth batch?!" a female's voice suddenly echoed the halls making me turn my head to the girl who was panting a few lockers beside me. She was a mess and couldn't breathe normally with the state she's in. She must be in the same class with me. "Can you order for me? I'll pay you back! I promise!" she said and opened her locker door with her phone on her shoulders. "Thank you, Yu" she smiled before ending the phonecall and proceeded to get something.
"Hi" I greeted. She was so in a hurry she only gave me a second to look at. "Hello, are you new here?" she asked. She was rummaging through her stuff and took a whole thousand bill from her wallet. Geez if she's rich she shouldn't leave such value in a locker like that. "Yes, I'm Rus-" before I could continue my introduction, she slammed her locker door shut and pointed a finger at me. "Don't tell me... YOURE THAT BASKETBALL CLUB THAT TRANSFERRED HERE" she yelled. "They said you guys can make Mrs. Judith fall and if she does, please help us have her adjust her temper, she's really annoying sometimes". Basketball club? So there are more students coming? "Mrs. Judith?" I asked. "Yes! The worst literature teacher E V E R!" she frantically waved her hands and rolled her eyes. I smiled. She's cute.
"Are you also a Senior student here?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. "Lesly Nicquechole, Elite 1 class" she introduced herself and tilted her haid. "And you?" she asked. "Russle Andrew, we're classmates from now on" I looked at her and examined her features. She's not all that but she's cute and her eyes are pretty aswell.
"I have to go, I still have to eat with my friend" she hurriedly turned around to run when I grabbed her hand in response. Crap, why did I do that?
"If you don't mind, can you please give me a tour in this place, Ms. Nicquechole?" I asked her with a small smile. She just stared at me thinking of what to say. I don't know what came in me but I want to spend some time with this girl. Specially without the others around.
"Drop the formalities, and I'd rather you call me Lesley than Nicquechole, it's a hard name like they say" she smiled and kept her money in her pocket. "Nicquechole is cute.. it suits you" I chuckled and stared at her round eyes. "Well, if you want a tour I can ask a friend to help your club later, I'm sure they'll agree to it" she said then looked at her arm. I gently dropped ny grasp and smiled. "What made you think they'll agree?" I asked.

Lesley POV

Because you are so damn handsome. "She's part of the committee" I stared at his soft angelic face as I kicked the floor like a child. Oh Dear Lord, it has only been a month and I've already been sinning because of his cute smile! "Can't you give me a tour?" he insisted. "Oh.. uh where are your fellow clubmates?" I asked and looked around hoping to spot one of them. We're alone in this hall and I badly want to eat sweet and sour pork right now.
"They're late and I'd rather stroll around without them" he chuckled. He doesn't really look like a basketball player... infact, he looks more like a musician. "Oh but, I really do have someone waiting for me in the cafeteria though" I said. He just smiled and patted my head. "Alright, it's fine.. I'll see you later then" he then excused himsekf and walked past me. His chin held high with a soft poker face on. What was that? Am I dead? Why is there an angel in our hallway?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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