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The entrance door of the Othman House creaked against the eerie silence of the foyer as he pushed it open, wide enough for him to get in. He closed the door carefully and bolted it, pressing his forehead to the door as the feeling of devastation overpowered him. The entire foyer was dark, except a tiny lamp dangling from the ceiling. He unlocked his phone and stared at the screen, his head still pressed against the door. After Zeeshan had hung up, Aariz had tried his number several times but all his calls had went straight to voicemails. He firmly shut his eyes and whirled around, his back to the door. He leaned his head back and ran a hand down his face, stressed up.

Zeeshan was always like that, acting on his impulse, rather than thinking rationally about the situations and its consequences. It shouldn't have surprised Aariz but it did. He couldn't believe he was capable of doing it. 'Turning away from the commitments he had made? And a commitment as such as marriage?' He shook his head, 'No! He won't do this! He can't do this!' Aariz had known Zeeshan all his life and knowing him, he would not take a step as unfair as that one. He was just scared right at the moment but once, he considers all the other people who are involved in this and would get hurt if he does the thing he is thinking of doing, he would change his mind and possibly return home.

But until then, Aariz had to take care of everything and everyone else.

The next morning, the Othman House was in chaos. The kids were busy, getting ready for their schools and universities, stuffing breakfast in their mouths and gulping milk from their glasses. The ladies were in the kitchen, instructing the maids and arranging breakfast for everyone else whereas all the men had taken day off from the office and stayed back home, preparing for the party that night. The whole of the backyard had been taken up by the workers, setting up the essentials for the party meanwhile the regular maids of the Othman House were taking care of everything else that needed to be done inside the building.

Everybody were so caught up with everything that morning that nobody really questioned the absence of Zeeshan.

Until, it was noon and the time for them to have lunch.

"Someone go wake, Zeeshan, up." Umme-Zeeshan peeked her head from the dinning hall and shouted randomly without checking who all were in the hall.

Yusuf Othman and Faheem Othman, sitting on the sofa and making phone calls to all the guests, looked up at Umme-Zeeshan's voice.

"It's been more than twelve hours since he had anything. He can eat and go back sleeping if he's that tired." She disappeared back into the kitchen after saying that.

Yusuf Othman and Faheem Othman looked at each other and then towards Aariz who just entered the hall, busy talking to someone on the phone. "Aariz!" Yusuf Othman stopped him

He turned back and raised an eyebrow at Yusuf Othman, the cellphone still pressed against his ears.

"Check, Zeeshan please and ask him to come down for lunch." He requested him.

Aariz stood there, staring at him for a second. "I'll talk to you later, Shah." He hung up the call and stuffed his phone into his pocket, "Zeeshan missed his flight." He glanced up, trying to keep it casual.

Yusuf Othman straightened himself on hearing it, "What?" He furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought he was in his room, sleeping all these while."

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